When you arrive at the clinic, the veterinary team will begin an assessment of your cat’s symptoms by performing a full physical exam. This will allow the veterinarian to take a proper look at the clinical signs and rule out possible causes of his condition based on his symptoms. In addition to the exam, your veterinarian will also collect a verbal history from you including the evolution of the problem, whether it seems to be associated with a season or not, and whether you have been trying to treat at home with over the counter ointments or medication.
The veterinarian may go into a detailed analysis of cat’s diet and environment. She will want to know what he eats for his main food, his treats, any monthly parasitic preventions, or if he could have possibly ingested something from his surroundings, such as dangerous household goods or toxic plants. This will give her insight as to what your feline interacts with and is exposed to during his day to day routine.
Gastrointestinal parasites will need to be ruled out; this issue can cause similar symptoms in your cat and will require some basic diagnostic testing in order to eliminate it from the list of causes.
Unfortunately there is no serum, blood, or intradermal test reliable for diagnosing food allergies. The only way to come to a food allergy diagnosis is via a food elimination trial. In this situation, you remove the suspected food item from your cat’s diet for a minimum of 12 weeks; this means no milk. After removing the suspected item from his diet, gastrointestinal signs typically resolve between 1 to 3 weeks. If symptoms continue, then milk is not the cause of his symptoms. If symptoms resolve, then you need to confirm your suspicion by reintroducing milk to his diet. During the trial period, all members of the family must comply strictly to the requirements. This means no treats, supplements, or table scraps are permitted.