Hydrotherapy for cats is physiotherapy provided in a warm water environment, such as swimming in a pool with the aide of a harness or the use of an underwater treadmill. The goal of hydrotherapy is to use the support and resistance provided by water to build strength, flexibility, and endurance while minimizing the stress on bones, joints and other organs. It may or may not be accompanied by massage therapy or other physiotherapy techniques.
This treatment has traditionally been used for humans, dogs, and horses but is increasingly being used to treat conditions such as arthritis and other skeletal conditions in cats. Hydrotherapy reduces pain associated with exercise where certain musculoskeletal conditions are present and reduces the strain of exercise on these conditions and injuries. Many people have been skeptical about the usefulness of hydrotherapy for cats, as cats are naturally averse to water, and it has been felt that the stress of the procedure for cats outweighed the benefits. Recently, a better understanding has been gained in the application of behavior modification techniques and therapy and their use in allowing cats to adapt successfully to water exposure. This has allowed hydrotherapy to be applied successfully to cats to treat conditions that have benefited from hydrotherapy in other species.
Many veterinarians are now offering this treatment in their clinics or can recommend veterinary physiotherapy clinics that offer this procedure.