Amitraz Insecticides Poisoning in Dogs

What is Amitraz Insecticides Poisoning?

Amitraz is a MAOI, which stands for monoamine oxidase inhibitor. The substance interferes with the nervous system of fleas, mites, and ticks. This toxic agent is a type of formamidine pesticide and is used on dogs to treat mange caused by mites, to control ticks, and to inhibit the infestation of psylla on pears. It is also used on cattle to control pesticides.

The absorption of amitraz as when applied topically is very low, and this is why it is used to prevent ticks and mites from affecting dogs. However, a dog that is treated with amitraz may lick and groom the fur which can cause adverse reactions to the animal. Even though the absorption of any amitraz that is consumed is also at a low rate, poisoning can still occur if a high quantity is ingested. Another way the dog can suffer from amitraz poisoning is if he eats, chews, and ingests either pieces or the whole tick collar. It is very important when using this type of prevention technique that the instructions are followed very carefully in the warning labels are understood in terms of how to prevent toxicity.

Amitraz insecticide poisoning in dogs can occur as a result of dogs consuming substances that contain amitraz. Pesticide prevention agents, tick collars, and common flea and tick treatments that are applied to dogs can cause toxicity if ingested.

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Symptoms of Amitraz Insecticides Poisoning in Dogs

If your dog has ingested Amitraz, the symptoms will come rather quickly. Symptoms of Amitraz insecticide poisoning in dogs include:

  • Low blood pressure
  • Low body temperature
  • Elevated levels of blood glucose
  • Ataxia
  • Decreased heart rate
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Seizures
  • Sedation
  • Dilated pupils


Amitraz is a substance used for veterinary purposes, agricultural purposes, and pharmaceutical means. This product is used worldwide and has a variety of names. Types of product names for Amitraz are:

  • Acaricide
  • Mitaban 
  • Topline
  • Triazide
  • Ectodex
  • Mitac
  • Amitraze
  • Baam
  • Avartin
  • Triatox
  • Danicut

Causes of Amitraz Insecticides Poisoning in Dogs

Amitraz insecticide poisoning in dogs occurs when dogs ingest amitraz from tick collars. Poisoning may also occur by inhalation and when it comes into contact with the skin. In addition to negatively affecting the central nervous system, amitraz poisons the dog by:

  • Alpha-2 – agnostics cause neurological adverse effects
  • Suppresses the release of insulin
  • Increases the glucose level (plasma)
  • Inhibits Prostaglandin E2 synthesis
  • Promotes the loss of heat
  • Affects Alpha-adrenoceptors, causing hypotension
  • Relaxes muscles of the pharynx, causing asphyxiation

Diagnosis of Amitraz Insecticides Poisoning in Dogs

If your dog has ingested amitraz, it is important to seek prompt medical attention. The veterinarian may suggest that you induce vomiting immediately. Once you have taken your dog to the veterinarian, he will assess his symptoms and ask questions pertaining to the amount of poison ingested and at what time it was ingested.

If you are certain or suspect that your dog ate his tick collar, it is very important for the veterinary team  to know this. The veterinarian may perform abdominal x-rays to take a closer look at the collar in his abdomen. This will also help the veterinarian make choices on the type of treatment he will receive. The veterinarian will also perform laboratory testing, such as blood work, urinalysis, checking the level of blood sugar, a biochemistry profile, and a serum electrolyte test. The biochemistry profile will test the functionality of kidneys in the liver.

Treatment of Amitraz Insecticides Poisoning in Dogs

Once a diagnosis is made of amitraz insecticide poisoning, the veterinarian will begin treatment. The veterinarian will maintain the opening of the airway and administer oxygen. Other treatment methods include:

IV Fluids

Proper hydration will stabilize the flow of blood within the tissues and the organs of the dog. Hydration will improve the elimination of the poisonous substance.


If the veterinarian is certain that there are pieces of a tick collar in the dog’s abdomen, he may choose to perform endoscopic removal or another method of removal of the pieces of the collar. This very much depends on how much of the collar was ingested and if the collar is in small pieces.

Gastric Lavage

In dogs with severe poisoning from amitraz, the veterinarian may want to flesh out the contents of his stomach. After the gastric lavage, activated charcoal may be given to help absorb any of the toxins left in the stomach.


In severe cases of amitraz poisoning, the veterinarian may give the dog atipamezole, a concentrated alpha 2 antagonist. This medication can be given to dogs in order to reverse the effects of amitraz.

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Recovery of Amitraz Insecticides Poisoning in Dogs

If your dog was successfully treated for amitraz insecticide poisoning and seems to be recovering that his prognosis is good. A poor prognosis may be given to dogs who do not respond to treatment due to the nature and severity of the poisoning. If your dog has been successfully treated for amitraz poisoning, your veterinarian will continue to monitor his symptoms and vital signs, such as the heart rate, blood pressure, and the blood glucose level. For this, regular follow-up visits will be necessary.

Your veterinarian will communicate with you how to further care for your dog at home, will tell you things to watch for in terms of new symptoms, and will explain to you any other instructions that are needed in order to properly care for your dog. As always, if you have any questions or concerns in terms of anything you observe with your companion, please call your veterinarian and seek his advice.

Amitraz Insecticides Poisoning Average Cost

From 65 quotes ranging from $350 - $3,500

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Amitraz Insecticides Poisoning Questions and Advice from Veterinary Professionals

Pomeranian cross

Three Months

4 found this helpful

4 found this helpful

My pet has the following symptoms:
Dr my dog is loading his body balance He can't stand up when we go near to him he is biting us all these happening after using the medicine amitraz dip concentrate liquid l.p.(vet)12.5%w/v

July 30, 2020

Answered by Jessica N. DVM

4 Recommendations

Hello- Thank you for your question. I would recommend seeing if you can wrap him in a towel to pick him up and taking him to your veterinarian or a veterinary ER immediately. I am not sure why these symptoms are occurring but it sounds like a neurologic or orthopedic issue going on. It could be from the amitraz as it is possible for them to have a reaction that causes ataxia due to it. If it is a reaction it can be serious so I would do your best to get him to a vet immediately. A vet will be able to sedate him if he’s trying to bite so they can examine him. I hope he starts to feel better soon. Be careful we don’t want you to get bit.

July 30, 2020

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Labrador Retriever


6 Years

4 found this helpful

4 found this helpful

My pet has the following symptoms:
My dog has been poisoned by amitraz without licking it. Vets say it's the topical accumulation of the compound in his tissues that caused it, is that true? Also, it has been trying to recover for over a week now, but still gets episodes of seizures and total inability to move, is that normal too? Please advise me what to do

April 29, 2018

Answered by Dr. Michele K. DVM

4 Recommendations

Without knowing more about what products Ricci was exposed to or his condition at this time, I have a hard time commenting on what might be causing his signs, but if has had a large exposure to Amitraz, that can be toxic. Depending on the level of toxicity, he may take an extended time to recover. I hope that he is okay.

April 29, 2018

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Amitraz Insecticides Poisoning Average Cost

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