Bacterial Infection (Pyelonephritis) of the Kidneys in Dogs

What are Bacterial Infection (Pyelonephritis) of the Kidneys?

Pyelonephritis in dogs is a bacterial kidney inflammation. This occurs when bacteria that is present in the urethra or urinary tract travels upwards into the kidneys. Obstruction in the urethra caused by stones or other blockages can increase the risk of a canine becoming infected with this condition. This condition is treatable; however, if not treated in a timely manner it can lead to more serious complications, such as a bacterial infection in the bloodstream. Fortunately, the symptoms are quite evident, and it is possible to identify the illness and treat the dog in time.

Pyelonephritis in dogs is a bacterial infection that occurs in the kidneys. It is caused by bacteria entering the urinary tract and moving upwards into the kidneys, causing much pain and inflammation.

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Symptoms of Bacterial Infection (Pyelonephritis) of the Kidneys in Dogs

There are obvious symptoms of pyelonephritis in dogs, and it is imperative to make an appointment with your veterinarian as soon as you notice these clinical signs. Symptoms include:

  • Side pain, often moderate to severe
  • Fever
  • Malaise
  • Vomiting
  • Loss of appetite
  • Excessive thirst
  • Excessive urination


There are several conditions that dogs may have that can be very similar to pyelonephritis. The veterinarian will rule out any other illnesses that share the same or very similar symptoms. Other conditions that are very similar to pyelonephritis are:

  • An obstructed ureter
  • Cystitis
  • Peritonitis
  • Pancreatitis
  • Hydronephrosis
  • Nephrolithiasis

Causes of Bacterial Infection (Pyelonephritis) of the Kidneys in Dogs

The causes of pyelonephritis in dogs are due to the bacterial infection in the kidneys. Causes of this bacterial infection are due to the following:

  • A weakened immune system
  • Age (either very elderly or very young)
  • A specific kidney dysfunction
  • An imbalance of water in the urine

Diagnosis of Bacterial Infection (Pyelonephritis) of the Kidneys in Dogs

If you notice that your loved one is having any of the symptoms related to this disorder, or if there are symptoms that are causing your dog to behave unusually or as if he is in pain, it is important to make an appointment with the veterinarian as soon as possible. 

Once you take your companion to the veterinarian, you will need to explain the symptoms in detail. He will do a thorough examination, which will include blood work and urine samples to start. Then, the veterinarian will perform other tests, such as an ultrasound or other imaging technique, an aspiration and biopsy of the pelvis tissue to determine the bacteria present, and a histopathology to gather more information about the bacteria causing the infection.

Treatment of Bacterial Infection (Pyelonephritis) of the Kidneys in Dogs

Treatment for pyelonephritis can be very effective if the illness has been diagnosed early-on. Treatment will include:


Antibiotics to fight the bacterial infection are necessary, and will be given in a long-term dosage (approximately for four to six weeks). In cases of chronic pyelonephritis, antibiotics may not be as effective because of the difficulty or inability of the antibiotic to penetrate through the functional tissue of the kidney.


For extreme infections where the kidney has ceased functioning, surgery will need to be performed to remove the affected kidney.

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Recovery of Bacterial Infection (Pyelonephritis) of the Kidneys in Dogs

In many cases, prognosis for this disorder is good. It is important to understand that once your dog has been diagnosed and treated for pyelonephritis, he will need to be watched closely in the future for any repeat occurrences. The risk of him getting any infection again is high, and being proactive and aware of what to watch for will help you get any future infections diagnosed as soon as possible.

Your veterinarian will want to see your companion regularly to be sure he is healing properly. It is crucial to follow your medical professional’s recommendations for at-home care and to maintain your visits to the veterinarian. If your dog had a severe case of pyelonephritis, and if he had to have a kidney removed, there will be further at-home care instructions for you to follow.

Bacterial Infection (Pyelonephritis) of the Kidneys Average Cost

From 62 quotes ranging from $300 - $3,500

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Bacterial Infection (Pyelonephritis) of the Kidneys Questions and Advice from Veterinary Professionals

Miniature Pinscher

Mike Jones

13 Years

10 found this helpful

10 found this helpful

13 year old min pin who was kidney infection with culture showing e coil and susceptible to all antibiotics. Ultrasound shows cysts and possibilities abscess. Blood work values have all stayed the same with 7 days of antibiotics and iv fluids

March 5, 2018

10 Recommendations

Thankfully the cultured infection is susceptible to all antibiotics, but this is in a laboratory setting and in a live animal results may vary; treatment for a bacterial kidney infection may take some time especially if there are other complications. It is a case here of continuing treatment and monitoring for improvement, your Veterinarian will be able to guide you on progress and what to expect next. Regards Dr Callum Turner DVM

March 5, 2018

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