Ear Infection and Inflammation in Dogs
What is Ear Infection and Inflammation?
Dog ear infection and inflammation can be caused by a number of things and can be located on the outer, middle, or inner ear. As the dog’s ear canal is different from a human ear canal, ear infections can vary in intensity because they have both horizontal and vertical components. This makes a dog more prone to ear infections than humans.
Dog ear infection and inflammation are an abnormal accumulation of infection within a specific part of the dog’s ear. This infection and inflammation can occur in the outer, middle, or inner ear and is a common occurrence in specific dog breeds or dogs that live a specific lifestyle, such as swimming or being outdoors in humid weather.
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Symptoms of Ear Infection and Inflammation in Dogs
If your dog has an ear inflammation or infection, he will exhibit certain behaviors. Symptoms can vary in severity, and include:
  • Shaking his head repeatedly
  • Pawing at his ears
  • A general appearance of him being uncomfortable
  • Restlessness
  • Rubbing the ears on the floor, as if to relieve itchiness or pain
  • Ear discharge or odor
  • Holding the head to one side 
There are three main types of dog ear problems, and each of them has to do with the part of the ear involved: the outer, the middle, and the inner. Any outer ear problems will be easier to diagnose, as they can be seen, while middle and inner ear problems will need to be checked by a veterinarian. There are dog breeds that have narrow ear canals or have a more earwax than others. Types of dogs that are more prone to ear infections are:
  • Shar-Pei
  • Chow Chow
  • Bulldog
  • Cocker Spaniel 
  • Labrador Retriever
  • Springer Spaniel
  • Basset Hound
Causes of Ear Infection and Inflammation in Dogs
Dogs that are in the water more often than others, as well as dogs that live in humid environments, are often seen by the veterinarian for ear infections or inflammation. Different infections are caused by different things, and seemingly harmless things can, over time, turn into an infection. Causes of ear infection and inflammation are:
  • Air allergens
  • Irritants
  • Food
  • Ear mite parasites
  • Foreign objects
Diagnosis of Ear Infection and Inflammation in Dogs
If you see any of the symptoms that point toward an ear infection, make an appointment with your veterinarian.  At the appointment, you will be asked to give him a history of the dog’s issues. The veterinarian will then conduct a comprehensive physical examination which will include using an otoscope to look at the ear canal. If the ear canal shows an inflammation, usually a very red in color, then the veterinarian will take a sample using a cotton swab to find out more about it. This culture viewed under the microscope will give the veterinarian more information about the infection if there is one present.
Once the veterinarian has identified the cause of the inflammation or infection, he will follow proper protocol in giving him the best treatment. Also, if there is an underlying disorder that has caused the problem, such as a yeast infection or middle ear disease, he will identify this through his diagnosis and begin to remedy the problem.
Treatment of Ear Infection and Inflammation in Dogs
Treatment can vary, depending on the ear infection or inflammation. The veterinarian will do treatment in steps. During the treatment, he will also examine the ear drum to be sure no serious damage to this part of the ear has occurred due to any infection or inflammation.
The veterinarian will clean the ear canal. The cleaning can be only in the outer ear area, or down into the canal to clean the middle or inner ear. 
The veterinarian will remove any infection that is causing the bacterial growth. He will also do anything necessary to control what is causing any harm to the ear.
The medical professional will apply medication or topical substance to the ear canal to prevent further harm to the dog. He may also prescribe any prescription medication, either orally or topical. These can be ear cleaning substances, drops, or an antibiotic in pill form.

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Recovery of Ear Infection and Inflammation in Dogs
Once your companion has been given the appropriate medications, he will begin to feel better. However, this may take up to a few weeks and it is important to use all of the medication the veterinarian has given you. If the veterinarian has seen the dog before the infection or inflammation has become too severe, recovery time will be less. 
You may want to speak to your medical professional about prevention of future ear infections or inflammation. Some dogs are more susceptible to ear disorders, such as the Cocker Spaniel or Basset Hound, as their ear lobes are very long. 
Recovery for ear inflammation or infection is very probable, as long as they receive proper treatment.
Ear Infection and Inflammation Average Cost
From 367 quotes ranging from $200 - $3,500
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Ear Infection and Inflammation Questions and Advice from Veterinary Professionals
Australian Shepherd

2 found this helpful

2 found this helpful

My pet has the following symptoms:
I believe that my dog may have gotten an foxtail on the inside of it's ear. She keeps licking and scratching her right ear and I think it may be cause by this reason. Is there any easy way to tell. Also, can you confirm on the danger involved in something like this.
Aug. 30, 2017
2 Recommendations
There are three main causes of scratching of the ear: foreign body, infection or irritation of the pinna. There isn’t any quick way to check inside the ear (due to the curved anatomy of the ear canal) unless you can see the foxtail (if it is a foxtail and not another type of foreign body) by just looking at the opening of the ear canal. Usually a Veterinarian will use an Otoscope to see inside the ear and will remove the foxtail (or other foreign body) or will prescribe medication for ear infection and will give you instructions for cleaning. Other causes of irritation can be from trauma or chemical irritants. For a definitive diagnosis you will need to visit your Veterinarian. Regards Dr Callum Turner DVM
Aug. 30, 2017
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Australian Shepherd

1 found this helpful

1 found this helpful

My pet has the following symptoms:
I believe that my dog may have gotten an foxtail on the inside of it's ear. She keeps licking and scratching her right ear and I think it may be cause by this reason. Is there any easy way to tell. Also, can you confirm on the danger involved in something like this.
July 26, 2017
1 Recommendations
There are three main causes of scratching of the ear: foreign body, infection or irritation of the pinna. There isn’t any quick way to check inside the ear (due to the curved anatomy of the ear canal) unless you can see the foxtail (if it is a foxtail and not another type of foreign body) by just looking at the opening of the ear canal. Usually a Veterinarian will use an Otoscope to see inside the ear and will remove the foxtail (or other foreign body) or will prescribe medication for ear infection and will give you instructions for cleaning. Other causes of irritation can be from trauma or chemical irritants. For a definitive diagnosis you will need to visit your Veterinarian. Regards Dr Callum Turner DVM
July 26, 2017
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Ear Infection and Inflammation Average Cost
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