Although the long-term goal is to reduce your pet’s reaction to noise through training, initially the focus will be to reduce immediate stress. Your pet may be given medication such as clomipramine hydrochloride. This medication, taken orally as a pill, reduces the signs of anxiety by affecting serotonergic and noradrenergic neuronal transmission in the central nervous system. Your pet may experience some side effects, such as mild sedation, transient constipation, and dry mouth. Due to it’s potential for cardiovascular effects your veterinarian will carefully listen to your dog’s heart prior to prescription. For short-term treatment and acute situations of stress, benzodiazepines may be given to your pet. Diazepam is often given for the treatment of anxiety related symptoms and is usually tolerated well by dogs. Many pets require this medication during New Year’s Eve celebrations due to fireworks. Although diazepam can affect short-term memory, this can be beneficial in these situations.
Your veterinarian will help you develop a program and effective strategy to modify your pet’s behavior. The initial plan may be to decrease exposure to the stressor and your pet may be prescribed medication. Your veterinarian may recommend contacting a canine behavior expert for hands-on guidance.
The most effective training method for phobia treatment is a mix of counterconditioning and desensitization. Counterconditioning in pets with noise sensitivities involves exposing the pet to the feared noise while simultaneously exposing them to a positive stimulus, such as petting or food. Initially, this may be a recording of the noise played very quietly, and gradually increased over weeks. This is a time-consuming process as it is vital that this is done very gradually.
There are products available that may be beneficial to use alongside behavior training. These include:
- Dog appeasing pheromone plug ins that release synthetic hormones and have shown to reduce stress in dogs
- Thunder shirts that fit snugly onto your pet, applying gentle pressure have been shown to provide comfort