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5 Bullet Journal Spread Ideas for Pets


Written by Mel Lee-Smith

Veterinary reviewed by:

Published: 01/21/2022, edited: 02/07/2022


Bullet journaling is a “grrreat” way to manage tasks, track habits, and capture memories in a creative way. Your pet is a big part of your life, which means they definitely deserve a page (or five) in your bullet journal.

Setting up a brand new puppy journal? Just adding a couple of pet pages to an existing bullet journal? Wag! has got you covered with some pet bujo inspo, plus pro tips for making the most of your trackers! While we recommended the following bullet journal spreads with dogs and cats in mind, feel free to adapt them for your fish, bird, horse, reptile, ferret — whatever kind of pet(s) you have!

Pet expenses tracker

pet expenses bullet journal spread minimalist and colorful

There’s no denying that caring for a pet isn’t cheap, but we’re sure you’ll agree your fur-child’s companionship is worth every penny. If you’re on a budget, finance trackers can ensure your pet gets the love and care they need for the right price.

Here are a few expenses you might want to include in your expense tracker:

  • food
  • toys
  • treats
  • training
  • vet visits
  • grooming
  • dog walking
  • pet insurance
  • overnight sitting/boarding

Your finance tracker can be as basic or as detailed as you like. At the very least, it should include:

  • A short description of each expense
  • The dollar amount
  • The date of purchase
  • The type of expense (medical, food, supplies, etc.)

Pro tip: Create a separate “stats” page or area where you can add up all your expenses and break them down by category to see exactly how much you spend on pet food, vet care, training, etc. each year.

Milestone map

pet milestone map bullet journal spread

Whether you’re the proud parent of a rambunctious puppy or a sleepy senior, milestone maps are a “furrific” way to track your pet’s firsts. Examples of milestones you might like to add to this spread include:

  • first trick mastered
  • first hike completed
  • first time swimming
  • first time exploring a different climate
  • first time riding in a car without barking
  • first time pottying outside or going to the litter box

When creating your pet’s milestone map, don’t be afraid to get creative. And remember, no milestone is too small! One of your milestones might be something simple, like “Didn’t beg at the table for the first time today”.

Pro tip: This spread doesn’t necessarily have to be a “map” — you could also format it as a simple list or table.

Health tracker

minimalist pet bullet journal spread for vet visit tracking

Organize all your fur-baby’s vet appointments, medications, supplements, and recovery notes with a pet health bullet journal spread. Not only will this help you feel more on top of your pet’s care, but tapping into your creativity may also help you cope with your pet’s health issues. Studies show that art therapy can reduce the body’s levels of cortisol, a hormone produced in response to stress.

Pro tip: If you want to track a health condition in more detail, create a separate spread for it. For example, if your pooch has hip dysplasia, a dedicated spread can help you track symptoms, effective treatments, physical therapy appointments, medication dosages and times, and so much more.

My pet’s favorites

Bullet journal pet spreads aren’t just for task management — they’re also a “grrreat” solution for memory keeping! Create a page in your bullet journal dedicated to all Fifi’s favorites. These might include:

  • toys
  • treats
  • table foods
  • activities
  • people
  • other pets
  • places

Pro tip: Let your creativity shine here to make this page ultra-personalized. Add photos or doodles of all your pet’s favorites. Leave some space to write anecdotes and record memories — you’ll thank yourself later!

Silly moments

There’s no reason why your pet’s bujo should be all work and no play. From getting the midnight zoomies to sniffing other dogs’ butts, our pets do things that confuse, astonish, and delight us every day. Why not capture those precious moments in a bullet journal spread?

We encourage you not to plan this page out too much. Forget the rulers and stencils — unleash your creativity and see where it takes you!

Pro tip: Have a pocket-sized notebook handy at all times to quickly capture your pet’s weird and wacky quirks. Then, when you sit down to create or update your spread, you won’t have to rack your brain trying to remember that hilarious thing they did last week!

Bonus bullet journal pet spread ideas

  • Trick tracker: Record the tricks and commands your pet is learning. Include some space to reflect on which training methods seem to be working well, areas where you or your pet could improve, and how easy or difficult you think the training process has been so far.

  • Nutrition tracker: Is your fur-child on a diet? Create a nutrition spread to track your pet’s weight and feeding schedule, record calories consumed and burned, and note any food sensitivities.

  • My pet’s triggers: Many pets are afraid of something, whether it’s thunder, fireworks, or the vacuum cleaner. If you’re working on desensitization training, create a bullet journal spread for your pet’s triggers. Reflect on how your pet behaves when they’re triggered and how you usually handle it. Note which tactics work and which ones don’t. This will be especially helpful for your trainer!

Pet bullet journal tips

  • Don’t be afraid to go minimalist. Google “pet bullet journal spreads” and you’ll discover all sorts of ornate designs. If you’re exhausted by the mere thought of spending hours decorating a single page, remember your bullet journal is yours. And if you just want something simple, that’s totally okay. Make your pet bullet journal spreads as basic or lavish as you like!

  • Reuse everyday items like product packaging and old brochures to decorate your spreads. This is our favorite bullet journaling tip. If you’re creating a spread of your pet’s favorite things, why not cut up a packet of their treats and glue it in? Repurpose old wrapping paper or colorful product packaging for your pet’s “about me” page. Not only is this a great way to personalize your bullet journal, but it’s also eco-friendly!

  • Go digital if that works better for you. I used to be a pen-and-paper snob, but I’m slowly converting to digital planning because it’s super convenient. (And I can easily correct mistakes — “pawfect” for a perfectionist like me!) All the spreads above work for both digital and analog formats.

Share your pet-themed bullet journal ideas!

We’ve shared some of our favorite bullet journal spreads — now it’s your turn! Drop a comment with your favorite pet spreads, or tag us in a post on Instagram @wag. Extra brownie points for including some cute pics of your four-legged friend!

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