How to Groom a Curly Haired Dog

5 - 10 Minutes
1 Day


Dogs with curly coats tend to be low-shed dogs. This is great news if you don't want hair all over your house, or if you are allergic, as many dog allergic people can tolerate curly coated pets. However, low shed, curly coated dogs, do shed a little, and loose hair gets caught in their curly coats. If not regularly groomed, this trapped hair forms knots and eventually mats in your curly coated dog. Besides being unsightly, bacteria can get trapped under mats and cause skin irritation and sores. Also, curly coated dogs, if not regularly groomed, can get pretty scruffy looking. There is a tendency for hair on their face, in the ears, between toes, around the mouth, and near the eyes to become covered in debris or discharge, which is unsightly, smelly, and can cause health problems in the way of infections from trapped bacteria. Curly coated dogs can also have feces get caught and built up on their backends. Addressing these areas is especially important when grooming your curly coated dog.

Dog's Perspective

If you have a curly coated dog, you will notice that his or her coat is prone to little knots from debris or loose hair getting caught in the curly coat and the hair twisting around this debris. If you are not careful and do not use the correct method when you groom your dog, you will be pulling on these little knots. Ouch, that hurts! Your dog will eventually get frustrated from having his coat pulled during grooming and start avoiding grooming. This is not what you want, you want your dog to love being groomed and for it to be a pleasant time for both of you. Understanding correct techniques for grooming your curly coated dog will make grooming pain-free and fun for your curly coated pup.

The Line Brushing Method

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Slicker Brush
Part and use slicker brush
Part your dog's hair, starting at the front of your dog at the neck. Do not just brush top layer of coat, you need to get down to the skin. Take a section of hair and part it with your fingers so that the skin is visible. Using a slicker brush, brush the hair from root to tip, starting right down to the skin. If the hair is thick, you may need to start at the end and gradually work your way to bushing from the skin to the end.
Check for tangles
Once brushed, use a comb to check for tangles. Comb from the skin to the end of the hair. Go back to the brush if you find tangles and repeat. If you find particularly stubborn knots, use a de-shedding comb or cut them out with scissors.
Go over entire body
Gradually work to the back of the dog, parting hair all over your dog's body. Pay special attention to the area under his legs and the hind end.
Trim as necessary
Trim extra hair away from eyes, inside ears, between toes, on paws, around nose and mouth, and rectum to keep these areas short and clean.
Fluff, clip, and bathe periodically
Fluff with a blow dryer on low heat setting and a brush. You will also want to bathe your dog every 4-6 weeks. Many owners with curly haired dogs also have their dogs clipped or sheared regularly to about ¾ of an inch to keep the coat manageable.

The Straighten with Pin Brush Method

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Pin Brush
Bathe weekly
Weekly bathe your dog with mild shampoo, use detangling conditioner, and rinse your dog thoroughly.
Towel dry your dog by patting with a towel. Avoid rubbing, which will tangle your dog's coat, and blow dry on a low setting.
Trim excess hair
Trim excess hair from around the eyes and mouth. Trim hair on legs and tail to desired length. Be careful with scissors--hold them parallel to your dog's body and watch the tip so you do not injure your dog.
Trim nails and feet regularly
Ensure nails are trimmed on feet before trimming hair on the feet. Trim excess hair on paws and between paw pads and toes.
Pin brush daily
Use a pin brush after bathing and daily, to brush hair straight. Work in sections from root to tip. Work all over your dog's body. This should last about a week for most dogs with short daily touch ups with the pin brush.

Caution & Considerations

  • Always use caution working with scissors so as not to injure the dog. Hold scissors parallel to the dog's body, never with the tip pointed toward the dog.  

  • Do not use a comb to pull out knots, work them free manually or with a brush or deshedder to avoid pulling hair and hurting your dog.

  • Do not over bathe your dog and strip his coat of necessary oils.

  • Check behind the ears, in the groin, and under legs for knotted hair. These are areas where knots and mats are common.

  • You will need to get down to the skin of a curly-coated dog to ensure the hair is adequately brushed. If you run a brush over the dog's top coat the undercoat will not have debris removed and mats can develop.

  • Watch for signs of skin infections where knots and mats have occurred, especially at the neck and around ears, and address with a veterinarian if necessary.


Your curly haired dog will learn to love grooming time if you take the time to make sure it is comfortable for your dog, by working slowly and with the right tools. Although grooming a curly haired dog to remove tangles in the undercoat can be time-consuming at first, once the initial work has been accomplished, keeping it up with daily brushings is not difficult, and will keep your pup looking pretty perfect!

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