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Does your dog seem to have split nails all the time? Do they split all the way to the toe, causing pain and bleeding? Does this happen no matter how good you are at making sure their nails are kept trimmed back? To a small extent, cracked, split, and broken nails are common among dogs simply as part of their active lives. But at the same time, issues like split nails can be an indication of deeper problems within the nails or nail beds that require careful attention if you want the problem to stop.
While it might not seem that your pup worries about whether or not they have perfect nails, they probably think more about them than you realize. Split nails can get caught in the carpet, leading to them being ripped out. They can also bleed, become infected, and you can bet they're painful. Your dog may not like the treatments for getting rid of nail problems, but they're sure to enjoy the pain-free results.
Need an experienced groomer to take care of your dog's nails? Book a Grooming service with a Pet Caregiver near you.
No matter what the cause of your pup's split nails, keep in mind that this can be very painful and make it very hard for them to walk or play. By trimming their nails once a month, you have the chance to look over their paws and find any signs of a possible condition that needs to be treated by a vet, such as lupoid onychodystrophy. If in doubt, have your vet examine your pup's paws to make sure the cause is not medical in nature.
Not confident about trimming your dog's nails? If you'd rather leave it to the pros, book a Grooming service with a Pet Caregiver near you.
My dog has had this issue with only his front paws. He won’t allow me or ANY to touch his paws so I can’t try to cut them but they don’t get long, but he’s has issues since he was a pup with one nail splitting and breaking quik always shows. Then nail will grow back and start the process over and over again. What is there that I can do to help with his nails no longer doing this, but can’t have them grow because I can’t get them cut if they start to get to long.
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I just cut his nails on Thursday, I've been trying to cut them weekly, he eats Sport Mix pro 20/24 fat/protein content and walks at least 20 minutes 2 times a day on hard surfaces, yet his nails continue to split, wanted to ask here before I took him into his vet to see if there were any recommendations
Hello, thank you for the photo of Greg's nails. I do think it is a question for the vet. Here is an excellent article on nail disorders from the Wag! site. On the article page, there is an opportunity to ask a vet a question. You could pose the same question there, along with the info and photo you sent me. Good luck!
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