
By now, your sweet little doggo has been in this world for a couple weeks. They’ve been busy nursing, sleeping, opening their eyes, and hobbling around on their chubby legs. Get ready, because from week three to week five you will see even more exciting changes in your roly poly pup. As they continue to grow, they will interact more with their surroundings. This is a key time for sensory and physical development as your pup transitions from a helpless little newborn to rambunctious ball of fur! Even though they are a bit more independent, they still find safety in being near their mom. Count yourself lucky that you get to see your little one grow.  Over the next three weeks, watch for these major milestones.  

3 Week Old Puppy

At three weeks, your pup’s hind legs have developed enough strength to hold up their body. This means your fur baby can comfortably stand. Their adorable wobble becomes more of a sturdy walk and they can sit, even though they might need to lean on a littermate for support. In short, they are now mobile! Not only are they able to move about, but by week three, your pup will begin getting their baby teeth. These will fall out in a few months, but for now they assist your pal in transitioning from milk to solid food.

Prepare for Weaning

This will probably be the last week of just nursing.

More Active

They still sleep a lot, but are more playful and active.

Individual Characteristics

As they get bigger, your pup’s individual look starts to come through.

4 Week Old Puppy

With new teeth starting to show up, your pup is ready to try some puppy food! Weaning a pup from their mama is a gradual process and happens over several weeks. It’s a good idea to give your fur baby the puppy version of the food their mother has been eating. Combine the dry food with water until it becomes mushy, like baby cereal. While introducing the pup to the new food, separate them from their mom. This helps them gain some independence. When they are finished, remove the leftover food and make sure the pup has plenty of water.

Several Feeds A Day

Give them the puppy food mush several times a day.

Sleepy Head

Despite being more active, your pup will sleep several hours a day.

On the Go!

They are more mobile now, so they may start climbing out of their pen.

5 Week Old Puppy

By week five, your pup will enjoy their new puppy food more and more. Since they are a little older at this stage, their mama feels comfortable stepping away from the pen. But, she is definitely missed. Upon her arrival, your pup will go straight for the teat! A five week old puppy needs plenty of socialization with their human family. This may be asking a lot, but make sure you frequently hold, snuggle, and play with your little fur ball. Introduce them to new sights and sounds. These experiences help shape their perception of the human world, so keep everything pawsitive.

Nursing and Puppy Mush

Though not as frequently, your pup still nurses.

New Experiences

Gradually introduce your pup to the human world.

More Teeth

More deciduous teeth poke through.
A Walk For A Healthier Pup
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A Walk For A Healthier Pup
Give your pup some extra love and fresh air with this Wag! Walk
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