
Your little pooch has been alive for nearly half a year and has gone through many impawtant changes. They haven’t quite hit adulthood but are past the innocent baby phase. In other words, they are teenagers! At this point, your puppy knows they have a lot of energy, but they aren’t quite sure how to deal with it. So you end up with a curious pup that’s willing to break a few rules. Even if they have been trained, they may revert back to some of their naughty behavior. Be patient and reinforce rules with pawsitivity. Oh, and make sure they get exercised daily. You will soon discover that a tired dog is a good dog! Read on for more pawsome information about this stage of your pup’s life. 

5 Month Old Puppy

If you haven’t already, treat your pup to a visit to the dog park. But don’t just turn them loose. Supervise their socialization and make sure it is 100% pawsitive. They are still impressionable and any negative experiences can set them back. An obedience class for puppies is also a great way to introduce them to their peers. Puppy kindergarten will teach your pup how to follow commands and remind them that you are in charge. This comes in handy during these ‘teenage years.’ Thicker adult fur will start to replace your pal’s fluffy puppy coat. A weekly brush gets them used to the grooming process.

Still Teething

The last of your pup's baby teeth should fall out.

3 Meals a Day

They are still growing, so don’t be skimpy with the food.

Leash Training

If you haven’t already, start leash training.

6 Month Old Puppy

Well, it’s time for the inevitable. At six months old, your pup is ready to be spayed or neutered. Schedule an appointment with your vet and let your pup know they will be stuck with the dreaded cone of shame for about a week. Once it’s all over, their hormones will level out and you will both be much happier! But this doesn’t mean they slow down. At six months, your pal’s energy is in overdrive. Daily exercise is a must and mental stimulation is key. This is a pawsome time to teach them fetch. They will get worn out while having the time of their life!

Growth Slows

They aren’t full grown yet, but their physical development slows down.

Hard Chews

They should have their adult teeth, so throw them a bone. With supervision, of course.

2 Meals a Day

At this point, your pooch can get by with two meals a day.
A Walk For A Healthier Pup
Give your pup some extra love and fresh air with this Wag! Walk
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A Walk For A Healthier Pup
Give your pup some extra love and fresh air with this Wag! Walk
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*Valid only for first time customers