
Your beloved pup is nearing their first birthday. This means they are perfectly well behaved and listen to every word you say, right? Wrong. While it is true that at 9 to 10 months, your fur baby is on the tail end of their wild adolescence, they are not completely devoid of rebellion. Don’t be surprised if they “forget” commands that they once knew, or dig a giant hole in the back yard. Take comfort in knowing this phase is coming to an end. Just like the past couple months, the top priorities should be training, socializing, and exercise. Your puppy can never get too much of any of these. Read on for more furrific information that will help your 9 to 10 month old fur baby. 

9 Month Old Puppy

At nine months of age, your pup has their adult teeth and their jaw just keeps getting stronger. The flimsy puppy toys that once held their attention are now old hat. Invest in some tougher, more durable toys so your pup has more of a challenge. Keep in mind every dog is different. Your pooch may be a voracious chewer that tears through plush toys within minutes, or they may be a bit gentler. Find a toy that suits their needs. Always supervise your pup when they have a toy and throw away anything that is broken, stringy, or too small.


With their adult coat filled in, shedding is now a way of life.

Sit, Come, Stay

Keep practicing the basic puppy commands.

Puppy Food

Your pup is not quite ready to switch to adult food.

10 Month Old Puppy

By now, your puppy is almost full grown. At 10 months, smaller breeds are at 90% of their adult size, while larger breeds are at 70%. Either way, you’ll have a rough idea of how big (or small) your puppy will end up. Even though their bodies are almost finished growing, your pal still has a ways to go when it comes to mental and emotional development. Switch up play time by going to new parks, visiting pet friendly stores, or teaching them new tricks. Not only will this help stimulate their canine brain, but the two of you will develop a tighter bond. And that's what having a dog is all about!

14-18 Hours a Day

As they get older, your puppy will sleep over half the day away.

Variety of Toys

Have various toys on hand so your puppy doesn't get bored.


Teach your puppy new tricks, like how to fetch a Frisbee.
A Walk For A Healthier Pup
Give your pup some extra love and fresh air with this Wag! Walk
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A Walk For A Healthier Pup
Give your pup some extra love and fresh air with this Wag! Walk
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