The Jewell Dog Park is a part of the Jewell Park in the city of Bellevue, Nebraska. The local authorities have designated it as an area for exercising dogs off-leash. Dogs are also allowed in the main park and on the trails but must be kept leashed. There is a good-sized parking lot right by the dog park entrance.
This dog park is an enormous grass-covered field bordered by thick woodland. The off-leash area is fully enclosed with chain-link fencing. There is a separate section specifically for the exercising of small dogs weighing less than thirty pounds. Both sections of the dog park have individual, paved and gated staging areas.
Because of the size of the off-leash areas, owners should have their dogs under full voice control and must keep them in constant eye contact. Under no circumstance should dogs be left alone in the dog park. Every dog using the Jewell Dog Park is required to be vaccinated and correctly licensed with the Bellevue authorities. Owners are requested to prevent their dog from barking excessively.
If a dog does bark constantly, he should be removed from the off-leash area. Any dog which displays aggressive behavior should also be taken out of the park. Children must have a minimum of fourteen years of age before entering the dog park unless a responsible adult or guardian accompanies them. There is no fresh water in either of the off-leash areas. Pet owners should take a supply of bottled water and their dog's drinking bowl with them.
It is not allowed to carry any food or dog treats inside the dog park. There are no poop bags on site. Owners must provide their own supply of poop bags and are required to collect all dog excrement before disposing of the used bags in the trash containers provided. Dogs should be prevented from excavating holes. If they do, it's the owner's responsibility to refill them.