Here, you will find many amenities including a completely fenced-in area, a double-gate system, an information area, benches for owners to sit on, and waste containers. You will also find available waste bags for usage while you are at this park. It is simple and perfect for any dog breed.
If you are in the Washington area and you come here to this dog park, you are required to follow all rules and regulations that are implemented. All owners must watch over and pick up after their dogs at all times and dogs must be on-leash while entering and exiting the park.
Puppies under the age of four months and female dogs in heat are not permitted in this park and aggressive or uncontrolled behavior is not tolerated. Owners may also not bring more than three dogs in at a time. This park puts a warning on dog toys as well as treats as some dogs do not like to share dog toys or their treats.
If you decide to bring in toys or food, you are bringing it in at your own risk and you are responsible if anything does not go smoothly. If you do not follow these rules and regulations, you could be fined up to $200. Overall, this dog park is a great addition to the Washington area and the community that uses this park is very friendly. If you have not visited this park, then it is highly suggested that you take your dog to it.