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- Can Dogs Eat Durian Fruit?
Listen, we get it. You love your pup and you don't want them to miss out on any of the fun - especially when that fun has something to do with eating a delicious treat. As a pet owner, though, you know that your dog's inner-workings and digestive system don't work the same as yours do, so being cautious with treats - particularly human ones - is vital in keeping your dog healthy. What about some of the things you love, like fruit? Especially you very favorite - the Durian Fruit. You know the one - hard and prickly on the outside but creamy and smooth on the inside? Delicious, right?
But what about your dog? You know when they give you those big, beautiful, puppy-dog eyes, it might be impossible to resists - so, should you?
When it comes to feeding your dog durian fruit, you can safely give a smidge to your pup for a treat - but only with incredible caution. Never give your dog the outer part of the durian fruit, it's hard and spiky and you wouldn't eat it, either. The seeds are a big point of contention, too. While there's not a ton of information out there on the durian fruit and doggo's reactions to it, it's best to never feed your dog the stem, leaves, or seeds of any fruit because often these contain cyanide. So, as a general rule, avoid the seeds of any fruit as they're likely going to be toxic.
So, how do you know if your dog shouldn't eat durian fruit and how can you figure out the signs that it's not agreeing with them? How can you train your dog to avoid eating the fruit if you decide you don't want them to make it a part of their diet?
Read on for more information on durian fruits, how they can affect your pooch, and what you can do to avoid any health issues for your dog that's durian fruit-related.
Even though Durian isn't toxic or poisonous for your dog, it is possible that they won't be able to digest it well or that it can upset their normal, everyday spunkiness. If you decide to feed your dog durian fruit - after you've cut it open, taken out the soft, fleshy part, removed every seed, and decided on an appropriate amount - you'll want to keep a close eye on how they are reacting.
We recommend looking for a few of these signs they might give you. If your pup gets super-charged energy that's out of the ordinary (especially if you have a relatively lackadaisical pup), that means you probably fed them too much durian fruit and those natural sugars are having their way with their energy levels. If you find that this isn't going to work for you and your pup, we recommend figuring out a correct amount of durian to feed your dog, or avoid feeding it to them altogether.
If your pup has eaten durian fruit and it doesn't quite agree with their stomach, look for signs like vomiting, laziness, tiredness, diarrhea, loose or bloody stool, or constipation. It's possible that even if your dog loves the taste of durian, their particular system is simply not set up to handle it.
If you think your dog has gotten into the durian and has eaten way too much of it, you might notice some abdominal bloating, cramps, weakness, fatigue, lethargy, vomiting, and other digestive issues.
But what if your dog gets some of the seeds? Typically, fruit seeds contain trace amounts of cyanide, and if your pup eats enough of them, they can become seriously ill or even die. Cyanide poisoning typically manifests itself in signs of dilated pupils, shock, vomiting, cardiac arrhythmia, and skin irritations.
Durian fruits are most common in Southeast Asia, and their benefits have been lauded by locals, health nuts, and others for hundreds of years. But, what are these benefits, and more than that, do they transfer over to your dog?
One of the nutritional benefits of durian meat is that it's high in fat and high in calories, which is great for people or dogs who struggle to gain weight but need to. If your dog has a hard time maintaining a healthy weight, it's possible that you will want to discuss with your vet if including durian in your dog's diet could be beneficial.
It can, however, pose a problem for dogs, as it could lead to too much weight gain if you're not careful. If your dog doesn't struggle to reach a healthy weight, it might not be a treat that makes sense.
Durian contains other vitamins and nutrients like vitamin C, folic acid, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, B6 and vitamin A. It also has important minerals like calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc, and phosphorous. Your dog, like, you, needs many of those nutrients. Talk with your dog-tor about how you should implement durian into your dog's diet.
As a general rule, the pits, stems, and seeds of most fruits contain trace amounts of cyanide, that, if ingested, can cause serious harm to your dog. Apart from the simple choking hazards that the durian seed or stem could carry, they can also cause bowel and intestinal obstruction, as well as possibly contain cyanide.
What is cyanide, though? Cyanide is a slat or ester of hydrocyanic acid that is extremely toxic. If you think your dog has ingested fruit seeds, stems, or leaves, you'll want to get medical attention to them immediately. The signs of cyanide poisoning include dilated pupils, rapid panting, shock, vomiting, heart attacks, skin irritations, and intestinal inflammation.
Okay, okay, so your dog loves Durian fruit. You've read all the warnings, know how to remove the seeds, and understand that you can't just snag a durian fruit from the fridge and hand it over to your dog. With all the proper precautions in place on your part, it's time to make sure that your dog has a firm grasp on how to eat durian fruits the right way - that means that they understand that durian fruits are just a treat and aren't going to be implemented into their daily diet.
First, always make sure that your dog has a firm grasp on basic commands like "no," "drop it," or "leave it." With these commands mastered, you likely won't have to deal with your dog stealing a piece of durian fruit, clutching it in their jaws, and running through the house with it. If your dog understands the word "no", that chase can stop before it starts and they won't move to grab the durian fruit from you.
That being said, it's important to understand that giving your dogs treats can make them picky. If your dog refuses to eat their kibble unless it contains durian or other treats, make sure your dog understands that they won't be getting them. We don't mean starve your pooch, but we do recommend establishing a very strict meal time that's restricted. So, if your dog doesn't eat their breakfast in the thirty minutes you leave their food down for him, then they simply don't eat breakfast and can try again at lunchtime. Eventually, your hungry dog will eat - even if there's no durian treat in their bowl.
Further, you want to make sure the durian fruits - and other treats - are far enough away that your doggo can't get to them on his own. No matter how well-trained the dog, there's always a chance that they let instinct and smell overcome their training, and the last thing we want for your dog is to eat too many, or the wrong part of durian fruits.
Written by a Great Dane lover Hanna Marcus
Veterinary reviewed by:
Published: 03/26/2018, edited: 04/06/2020
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