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- Can Samoyed Dogs Live in Hot Weather

Samoyeds are known for their fluffy and thick, white fur coats. They have a double coat - the top coat and the undercoat, which has roots in their Siberian and Russian background. Their coat was meant to protect them from the harsh, cold winters in those regions of the world. They were originally bred to be herding dogs, especially for herding reindeer. Samoyeds were also bred to pull sleds when they were herding.
With their thick fur coats, love of the cold, and history of living in harsh and cold winter conditions, it is easy to wonder if a Samoyed can live in hot weather and temperatures. Overall, yes, a Samoyed can live in warmer weather, although they won't love it!

Samoyeds can live in hot weather, but they don't necessarily thrive in warmer weather climates. However, just as their coat protects them from the cold, their coat also protects them from the heat. Surprisingly, their coat can keep them cooler in hot weather than many other short-haired dogs. Therefore, they can adapt quite well to hot weather.
More times than not, a Samoyed that is getting too hot in their environment will show signs that they are beginning to overheat and get uncomfortable.
Panting is one of the most common signs that your Samoyed may be getting too hot. Although some panting to stay cool is normal and even effective for cooling a dog down, excessive panting may be a sign of overheating.
Pacing is another way to tell that your dog is uncomfortable in their environment. If they aren't sitting or laying down, and are instead pacing around and can't seem to get comfortable, they may be getting too hot and steps should be taken to make them more comfortable.
Furthermore, if your Samoyed is outside and they are barking and/or whining, especially at the door to come inside, they are likely looking to come indoors where it is cooler than being outside in the heat.
Body Language
Here are the main signs a Samoyed might show when they are getting too hot inside or outside of their home:
- Barking
- Whining
- Panting
- Pacing
Other Signs
These are other signs you may notice if your Samoyed is beginning to get too hot:
- Bright Or Dark Red Tongue Or Gums
- Weakness And Increased Heart Rate
- Glazed Eyes
- Excessive Thirst And Drooling

Although Samoyeds originally were bred and lived in Siberia and Russia where the weather was harshly cold, they have been able to adapt very well to warm weather climates. A Samoyed's thick coat acts as insulation from the heat, keeping them cool. The bright white coat also reflects the light away from their bodies, keeping them cool and comfortable.
Arctic breed dogs are often better at handling rises in temperature compared to their short-haired friends. In fact, short-haired breeds are generally more susceptible to overheating and heatstroke. Samoyeds also expel their heat through panting, similar to most other dogs. This ability keeps them cooler so they can maintain their body temperature well. These adaptations allow Samoyeds and other Northern breed dogs to live relatively comfortable in hot weather.
Many owners of Samoyeds in hot weather climates claim their dogs do quite well in warm weather, even on very hot, triple-digit days. As long as the Samoyed is not shaved, has plenty of water if they are outside, and has a shady area to lay during the day, they will do well.
Many owners will walk their dogs early in the morning or later in the evening when it is cooler so they don't get as hot. Most Samoyeds will only want to be outside for short periods of time during the summer months and in hot weather. They will likely do their potty, walk around a bit, and want to come back inside into the air conditioning.

Like we have discussed above, a Samoyed has a double coat. They have an undercoat that is made up of soft, thick fur. These hairs are short and fluffy and often crimped because they are the closest to the skin. The top coat is made of tougher, long, and coarse hairs. While the undercoat will insulate a Samoyed from cold and warm temperatures, the top coat will protect a Samoyed from the harmful rays of the sun.
What makes a Samoyed a bit more unique than most other double-coated breeds is the fact they have bright, white fur (most of the time). This means the rays from the sun reflect off the top coat and don't penetrate to the skin!

There is no specific way you can train your Samoyed to do well in hot weather. A Samoyed will be able to adapt to a hot weather climate on their own, as it is instinctual for them.
However, what you can do is make them more comfortable and able to tolerate hot weather a bit better. A Samoyed will cope better in hot weather if they have a cool place to lay while they are outside. So, make sure if they are going to be outside that they have a shady spot to lay, as they will most likely not want to be in the direct sunlight.
Also, make sure they have access to plenty of cool and fresh water. This will keep them hydrated and stop their internal temperature from rising too quickly. A great way to keep water cool in hot weather is to fill their water bowl with ice cubes!
If you are worried about your Samoyed being outside during the day in a hot climate, it may be best to keep them inside. Playing with your dog outside or taking them on walks is best done early in the morning and later in the evening when the sun is less intense and the temperature is a bit cooler. Training your Samoyed to walk during these times of the day is easy and they will adapt to their new routine well if you keep up that schedule consistantly.
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Get Vet ChatSafety Tips for Stopping Your Samoyed From Overheating
- Avoid hot pavement on walks, and don't leave them in a car.
- Make sure they have AC or a shady area to stay in.
- Exercise your dog in the morning and/or at night, instead of during full-sun hours.
- Have fresh and clean drinking water available at all times.
Written by a Samoyed lover Kayla Costanzo
Veterinary reviewed by:
Published: 01/24/2018, edited: 04/06/2020
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