

4 min read


Can Dogs Hear Mouse Repellers?



4 min read



If you happen to have a pet mouse, you probably think that it is very cute. However, if you have a whole army of mice invading your home, they suddenly become not quite so cute! 

Mice can cause a lot of problems when they invade your home. They can create an unhygienic environment, make a total nuisance of themselves, and can even cause damage to your home. This is why you need to take action if you do find yourself falling victim to a mouse invasion and one of the options is to use an ultrasonic mouse repeller. However, is this a safe solution if you have a dog?

Signs Your Dog can Hear a Mouse Repeller

When it comes to hearing high-frequency sounds, dogs are very sensitive. Humans cannot hear the sounds that are transmitted by these mouse repellents because they are designed to be heard by…well, mice! However, because of the frequency range dogs are able to tune into, our pooches are able to hear this noise. This is something that causes concern for many people but the truth is that although it may make some dogs nervous, it won’t actually cause them any harm.

If you are curious as to whether your dog is able to hear your mouse repellent and whether it has an adverse effect, you can look out for certain signs. Your dog may whine or bark at the device or it may keep looking over at the area and looking around to determine where the noise is coming from. 

Some dogs that do not like the sound may run off or back off from the area the noise is coming from. Others that are not bothered may go closer to the sound in order to investigate. By looking out for the way your dog acts, you will be able to determine whether it hears the noise and if so, whether it causes any bother. 

Dogs will also display certain body language signs when they hear the noise from the mouse repellent. For example, your dog may tuck its tail and put its ears flat if it doesn’t like the noise or it may prick up its ears and look alert if it is simply curious. 

Some dogs will keep looking around to try and work out what the noise is while others will just ignore it if it doesn’t bother them. You may even find that the hair on the nape of the neck of your dog stands on end if your pooch is nervous about what the sound is. 

The History of Dogs Hearing High Frequencies

So, how do we know that dogs may be able to hear these sounds? Well, it is all down to research that has been carried out over the years into dogs’ sense of hearing and their ability to hear a high-frequency sound. The results of this research have enabled us to understand just how sharp and sensitive a dog’s hearing is compared to human hearing. In addition to this, we have learned that dogs can hear sounds at much higher frequencies than humans, so although we cannot hear the noise from the mouse repellent, your dog may be able to.

In years gone by – and even today – people used mouse traps in order to catch and kill mice. However, a lot of people are now reluctant to use this method because they believe it to be cruel. This is why alternative solutions, such as mouse repellent devices, have increased in popularity. However, for those people that have pets such as dogs and cats, the thought of the device causing distress to their pet can be a worry. However, the chances are that many dogs will get used to the sound or ignore it completely. 

The Science of Dogs Hearing Mouse Repellers

In-depth scientific research has enabled us to learn more about what a dog can and cannot hear. According to studies, dogs are able to hear high-frequency sounds that are up to 45-67 KHz and we already know that they have excellent hearing. With this in mind, your pooch may be able to hear the ultrasonic high-frequency sound that comes from your mouse repellent device. 

Your dog’s personality and disposition will then determine how they react to that noise when they first hear it, as it will be a totally new experience if you have never had one of these repellents installed before. 

Helping Your Dog Cope with a Mouse Repeller

So, what do you do if you are considering having a mouse repellent fitted or you have recently had one installed? Well, if you have a dog, you will need to determine how your dog feels about the noise and whether it is causing any distress. 

This is something that you can do by taking note of the signs and body language mentioned previously. Remember, not all dogs will be bothered by the noise. Some will take no notice at all, others may be intrigued and curious for a while, and some may show signs of distress or bewilderment. In many cases, dogs will quickly become accustomed to the noise and will start to ignore it after a short period of time, which solves the problem.

You should assess your dog’s reactions over a period of at least a few days if you want to determine how the repellent is affecting them. This gives your pooch the chance to get used to the noise, after which, they may start ignoring it completely. 

However, if your dog shows signs of fear or distress after a number of days, it is worth disabling the device so that it causes no further distress. You can then look at the various alternatives that may be more suitable and will not cause any problems for your pet. If you only monitor your dog for a short period such as one day, you won’t get a true idea of how the repellent will affect them.

Often, speaking to your vet may enable you to determine the other suitable solutions that are available to help you keep a mouse invasion under control. You can then decide whether to get rid of the ultrasonic mouse repellent altogether or opt for one that is more dog-friendly for your home. 

Written by a Boston Terrier lover Reno Charlton

Veterinary reviewed by:

Published: 05/04/2018, edited: 04/06/2020

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