

4 min read


Can Dogs Hear Rodent Repellers?



4 min read


Can Dogs Hear Rodent Repellers?

Rodents cause problems for many people as they can quickly take over an area and create an infestation that is difficult to get rid of. In the past, people used traps to try and get rid of rodents, but there are now more effective and safer solutions such as rodent repellers. 

These devices use ultrasonic sound to create high-frequency noises that will deter rodents from coming into the area. However, one thing that many people are worried about is whether their pet dog can hear the sound from the rodent repeller and whether this is something that will cause a problem for the dog.

Signs Your Dog Hears Rodent Repellent

A dog’s hearing is very sensitive and unlike us, they can hear noises at very high frequencies, such as the ultrasonic sounds that come from these rodent repellents. This means that they are able to hear the sounds but it will not do them any actual harm as such. However, depending on the nature and personality of your pooch, the noise may frighten or distress them, so this is something that you need to be aware of if you are considering purchasing and installing one of these devices.

Once your device is installed, you should look out for signs that your dog can hear it. Some of the signs that will indicate this include running up to the sound, barking and whining, staring at the area where the device is, turning away or backing away from it, tail tucking, and looking around in confusion. 

All of these signs indicate that your dog can hear it, but their reactions will vary based on whether the sound causes any bother or not. By looking out for the signs that your dog displays, you will be able to better determine whether the sound of the repellent is causing your pet any issues. 

Looking at your dog’s body language is another way to determine whether the sound of the rodent repellent is causing any distress. If your dog is not bothered or is simply curious, they will head toward the sound, stare or look around, bark, or simply walk around and ignore it. If your dog is bothered by the sound, they may whine and steer clear of the area, turn away or back away from it, have their ears back or down, and remain close to you while outdoors rather than wandering off to explore alone. By looking at your dog’s body language you will be able to see how the sound is affecting them.       

Body Language

<p>Signs that your dog can hear rodent repellent include:</p>

  • Growling
  • Barking
  • Whining
  • Head Turning
  • Tail Tucking
  • Ears Back

Other Signs

<p>More cues that your pooch hears the rodent repellent are:</p>

  • Following Close To You
  • Backing Away
  • Reluctant To Go Into That Area
  • Neck Hair On Edge
The History of Dogs' Hearing

We know from historical research that dogs have an excellent sense of smell and a great sense of hearing. For dogs, this is a blessing and a curse. It means that they can help out in all sorts of industries because of these keen senses. 

However, it also means that they can pick up on things such as high-frequency sounds from devices such as rodent repellents, which we obviously cannot hear because we can only hear lower-frequency noises. Over the years, we have learned a lot about canine hearing and this is why many people do worry about their dogs being exposed to ultrasonic sounds from these devices.

Following on from research that has been carried out, experts have concluded that while dogs are able to hear the sounds from these devices, they will not cause them any actual harm. What they may do, however, is cause distress to dogs that are already of a nervous disposition, as they will be able to hear the noise but will not know what it is. Dogs can be very sensitive to sound and it is made worse by the fact that we cannot hear it so we have no idea what it is our pooches are hearing.

The Science of Dogs Hearing Rodent Repellents

The human sense of hearing is only equipped to hear sounds up to a certain frequency, which is one that is far lower than that recognized by animals. However, dogs are able to hear sounds that are as high as 45-67 KHz, which means that they are able to hear the ultrasonic sound from these rodent repellents. 

This is made worse by the fact that dogs have such a keen sense of hearing and are very sensitive to sound. However, the good news is that the sound will not harm your dog or cause any lasting damage – it may simply cause short term distress. 

Helping Your Dog to Cope with a Rodent Repellent

If you have a rodent problem at home, an ultrasonic rodent repellent is one of the things you may be considering to help combat the problem. However, being the owner of a nervous pooch may be putting you off. Well, the only way to find out how your dog will react to one of these devices is to try one out, so it is worth buying one and installing it if it will help with your rodent problem. Once installed, you can then monitor how your dog reacts so that you have more of an idea of how it is affecting your pet.

It is important to remember that it can take time for your dog to get used to the sound of the repellent. With this in mind, don’t base your decision on your dog’s reactions on the very first day of using the device. Sometimes, the dog will become quickly used to the noise and it will stop causing any bother whatsoever. In fact, some dogs completely ignore the noise, so you should give it at least a few days to get a better idea of how it is affecting your pet. If problems continue after this time, you can take steps to find a better solution.

In the event your dog continues to be distressed as a result of the repellent device, you should disable it so that your pooch is not put under any further stress. You can then speak to a specialist retailer that deals in pest control products or even to your veterinary surgeon about what the best alternative is to control rodents without your dog being affected. Because dogs all react differently to this sort of thing, it is a case of trial and error to determine whether this is the right rodent control solution for you. 

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Written by a Boston Terrier lover Reno Charlton

Veterinary reviewed by:

Published: 05/04/2018, edited: 04/06/2020

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