

4 min read


Can Dogs Taste Almond Milk?



4 min read



Many people are searching for dairy alternatives and almond milk has become a popular choice. It is easy to find all over the country and one of the most inexpensive forms of dairy-free milk. Almonds are great for dogs and have a lot of health benefits for people, but are there any health benefits from almond milk for your dog? 

Although the answer is not black and white, almond milk may be nutritious for your dog, but only if they are given the right kind. Most conventional almond milk has tons of fillers, flavors, sugars, and preservatives. We will take a further look at how almond milk may be good for your dog and how to choose a safe almond milk to give your dog. 

Signs of a Dog Liking Almond Milk

Almonds have a ton of healthy vitamins, minerals, and the good kind of fat that can be a great addition to your dog's diet and overall health. Many dogs enjoy the taste of almonds since they are nutty and crunchy - like peanuts and peanut butter. However, not all dogs will like almonds, so it will be dependent on your pup's preferences. 

With that being said, if your dog likes peanuts and other nuts, there is a high likelihood your dog is going to love almonds. Almond milk is made from soaking almonds with water and milking them to form this dairy-free milk. Your dog probably will not enjoy just drinking straight almond milk and they are conditioned to only drink water, so you will want to mix it into their diet in a different way for them to get the nutritional benefits and like it the most. 

If your dog likes almonds and almond milk, you will be able to tell right away if they enjoy it or if they prefer something else. Signs your dog likes almond milk may include them wagging their tails, pacing around the kitchen waiting for more, or spinning around in circles with excitement. They will also look alert, raise their ears, bark, whine, or cry for more, lick their lips, and even drool. Some dog will also intently stare at you and the food you have as they are waiting for more! 

History of Almond Milk and Dogs

Although almond milk seems like a new and trendy dairy milk alternative, almond milk has actually been around for centuries. In fact, during the Miggle Ages, almond milk was loved and consumed in large quantities. Almond milk was a delicacy and was only available for the upper class and royalty. 

Almonds were a popular food in the Mediterranean and Middle Eastern diets and incorporated into lots of dishes. However, it is more likely that almond milk was invented and consumed with religious intentions in Europe. 

Almond milk was so pricey because, although it is quite simple to make and does not require any fancy ingredients, it is a very labor-intensive process. Almonds were cooked, cooled, strained, and then bottled, which would take many hours until the almond milk was created. Almond milk was also shelf stable and did not require any kind of refrigeration, making it even more popular. 

Since almond milk was such a labor-intensive beverage to make and was so expensive, it is very unlikely almond milk was ever fed to animals, including dogs. Dogs would have eaten leftover meat scraps, bones, and skins. 

Today, we see an increasing amount of almond milk being used in dog treats, foods, and meals. It is important to keep in mind that not all kinds of almond milk is created equal and you must choose a safe and healthy option for your dog. 

Science Behind Dogs and Almond Milk

Almonds contain essential vitamins that are necessary for your dog's health. Almonds have high levels vitamin B3 to help keep your dog's fur and skin healthy, strong, and shiny and it also supports the liver and the eyes. Almonds have high levels of vitamin E - even more than peanut butter. This helps remove harmful free radicals from your dog's body and improves their immune system. Almonds contain calcium to keep your dog's bones and joints strong and have phosphorous and magnesium that also help with strong bones.

You must keep in mind that all almond milk is not healthy and some can even be very dangerous for your dog. Ingredients like artificial flavors, sugar, and the worst offender - xylitol - are extremely dangerous and toxic to dogs. Even small amounts of xylitol have the potential to kill your dog. 

Giving Your Dog Almond Milk

Although almond milk can be a highly nutritious addition to your dog's diet, that is only true if you are giving them the right kind of almond milk. Most of the almond milk you find on store shelves and in the refrigeration section has tons of fillers, water, sugar, artificial flavors, and preservatives. In fact, most of the almond milk has 2% or less of actual almonds. This means your dog is not going to get any of the true health benefits of almonds with this kind of milk. 

Therefore, you must seek brands that have little to no fillers and contain high levels of actual almonds. These can be pricey and hard to find in most stores, however. You can look online for more options if you cannot find any in your local stores. Almond milk must be unflavored and unsweetened if you are going to purchase it at a store or online.

If all else fails, you can make your own almond milk at home as well. Making it at home allows you to control what you put into it, what you keep out, and you know the nutritional value is going to be what you are actually looking for. All you need are plain and raw almonds and water. You soak the almonds, grind them, and let them sit for a while before you strain and drain them through a fine cheesecloth. The resulting milk is thick and creamy and comes with all the benefits of actual almonds.

Keep in mind you will want to limit your dog's intake of pure almond milk because it is quite high in calories and fat. Too much can make your dog gain weight, which can result in a host of other medical issues.  

Written by a Samoyed lover Kayla Costanzo

Veterinary reviewed by:

Published: 05/23/2018, edited: 04/06/2020

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