

4 min read


Can Dogs Taste Arugula?



4 min read



Arugula is a peppery green that is packed full of unique flavor. It is not like your typical, relatively flavorless lettuce and other leafy green. Arugula has a strong flavor that is perfect for salads, wilting as a healthy side dish, and much more. This green also has a ton of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that are wonderful for your health. If you eat arugula regularly, you may have wondered if your dog can enjoy some of this flavorful and healthy leafy green as well. 

Arugula is a veggie that is non-toxic to dogs, meaning it is safe for them to consume. However, just like with any other food, you don't want to overfeed arugula to your pup. 

Signs of a Dog Liking Arugula

Unless your dog suffers from an iodine deficiency, it is perfectly fine for dogs to eat arugula for nutrients from time to time. If your dog likes these peppery leafy green, they are going to eat the veggie without any hesitation and they will not turn their nose up to it when it is presented to them.

Once they have a taste of the food and decide they like the taste of it, your dog is likely to bark or whine for more, drool, paw at you, or stare at you intently and with alert, upright ears. Some dogs will even pace around in front of you or just patiently close to you until they get more of the food.

On the other hand, if your dog is not fond of arugula, they will first try and take the food, but then completely ignore the food and walk away or wait for you to give them something else that they like better. Some dogs will also snarl, growl, or expose their teeth to the food to show their disgust. If your dog does react this way, take the food away from them and do not force them to eat something they do not like. 

History of Arugula and Dogs

Arugula has a long history and has had its ups and downs in popularity. Arugula is so old that we see mentions of the veggie in the Old Testament Book of Kings. This means arugula has been around from at least the 6th century BC. Furthermore, arugula also makes an appearance in artwork and literature from around the world many centuries ago. From poems to complex paintings, arugula has certainly made a name for itself in the past. 

As time went on, this leafy green gained popularity, but then also lost popularity throughout the years due to different preferences in taste. However, in the last few years, particularly in the United States, arugula has gained much popularity among foodies, chefs, and the health-conscious eater. 

Arugula is also used in countries like India to make a special healing oil called taramira. This oil has many medical properties and has also found its way into cosmetics as a type of healing ingredient for the skin. 

It is unlikely dogs in the past or most dogs today eat arugula on a regular basis. There are many more popular veggies dogs are commonly fed by their owners such as carrots, peas, and broccoli. These veggies are often cheaper as well. 

Science Behind Dogs and Arugula

Despite the fact it is uncommon for dogs to eat arugula for health benefits on a regular basis, there are quite a for health reasons that may make you consider adding it to your dog's diet. Like other green, leafy veggies such as kale and spinach, arugula contains chlorophyll, which has the ability to attach to toxins in your dog's body and then remove them from their system. 

Arugula can also help protect against cancer, is very high in vitamin K, which is good for your dog's bones and skin, it can help improve eyesight, contains high levels of antioxidants, vitamin C, folate, vitamin B, and minerals like magnesium, potassium, manganese, phosphorus, iron, and calcium. 

The Best Way to Give Arugula to Your Dog

When you decide to give arugula to your dog, there are some key points you should always keep in mind, but they are not difficult. Giving your dog too much arugula may not be great for their health and can give dogs stomach issues. Too much of anything can lead to side effects and discomfort, so putting a limit on their intake is the best course of action. Arugula is also known as a goitrogenic food, which can sometimes disrupt the production of thyroid hormones, although this is not overly common. This should not be an issue for your dog unless they have an iodine deficiency or issues with their thyroid function. 

However, if you are concerned about this problem for any reason, cooking arugula first will lessen the goitrogenic properties in the veggie so it is much safer for your dog to eat. Whether or not you decide to feed arugula to your dog raw or cooked, the best way to get them to eat it is to chop it up and mix it into their meals. Some dogs may eat the green plain, but many will likely turn their nose up to the plain vegetable. 

You can also try and cook the arugula with some lean, plain chicken and it is likely the chicken will entice your dog enough they will not care that the arugula is with the chicken as well. 

If you cannot get your dog to eat arugula, you can try any other leafy green as well, such as kale or spinach. They have very similar nutrient profiles and are much milder and neutral in flavor. This is often much more appealing to your pooch! 

Written by a Samoyed lover Kayla Costanzo

Veterinary reviewed by:

Published: 04/27/2018, edited: 04/06/2020

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