

5 min read


Can Dogs Taste Baked Beans?



5 min read



Hotdogs, hamburgers, corn on the cob, and delicious, sweet and tangy baked beans are the quintessential summer BBQ foods. They are scrumptious and comforting, and most people love these foods. When you are having a family celebration in the summer, it is tempting to sneak some yummy treats to all the dogs at the party as well. It is always nice to share your favorite foods with your dog, or other's dogs when there is some type of gathering. 

But just because dogs like certain foods and will gobble them down without even swallowing, does not mean it is safe for them to consume such things. Baked beans are safe for us to eat, but sharing them with a dog is ill-advised. 

Baked beans are full of sugar and often contain ingredients like onions and lots of garlic, which are both toxic and unhealthy for all dogs. You can share a chunk of plain burger with a furry friend, but stay away from giving them baked beans. 

Signs of a Dog Liking Baked Beans

Chances are, your dog would really love the taste of baked beans if they had the opportunity to try them. They are soft, sweet, and in a yummy sauce that any dog would enjoy. But your dog should not be fed baked beans because it may upset their stomach, raise their blood sugar levels, give them a lot of gas, bloating, and possibly diarrhea. Your dog's system is not meant to process lots of sugar and baked beans are loaded with white sugar, brown sugar, molasses, and some even contain high-fructose corn syrup. 

Dogs indicate they like certain foods by showing no hesitation to start eating the food or finishing the food. Your dog would eat all of the baked beans. They would start begging for more by barking, crying, whining, or pawing at your legs or arms if you have baked beans yourself. Dogs may even lip their lips and drool excessively, anticipating eating the food again.

On the other hand, it is possible your dog won't like baked beans. If this is the case, they will likely attempt to eat the baked beans but might spit the baked beans out or proceed to rub their faces all over the floor. Some dogs may simply walk away from the food after the initial taste to show they are not interested in the baked beans. Other dogs may expose their teeth, snarl at the food, or try to play with the food if they don't like it. 

History of Dogs and Baked Beans

Although baked beans seem like a more modern American food, baked beans got their start hundreds of years ago with the Native Americans. Native Americans would take plain navy beans that were native to the region and mix them with some type of animal fat and maple syrup. They would stew and cook the ingredients together - similar to the baked beans we know and love today! 

From there, baked beans evolved a bit more and European settlers, new to North America, adapted the recipe. They made baked beans with pork chunks and molasses. There is also another theory that baked beans may have even originated in France with a dish called bean stew cassoulet. 

It is quite unlikely that dogs were ever fed baked beans, although we do not know for sure. This dish was likely just reserved for humans to consume as an inexpensive, tasty, and comforting meal. Dogs would have been feed meat, fat, and bone scraps from animals for their main source of food. Dogs may have also been feed scraps of fruits and veggies that were not used in cooking. This is why dogs have acquired a taste and liking of fruits and veggies today and are not only carnivores.  

Science Behind Dogs and Baked Beans

Dogs should never be allowed to eat baked beans. Baked beans are typically loaded with sugar, which is not healthy for your dog to consume in those high quantities. Sugar is not good for any dog, but if your dog has diabetes, it is especially dangerous. Sugar can also lead to excessive weight gain, again leading to a variety of health concerns for your dog. 

Baked beans also tend to have a high-fat content as well. Baked beans are typically made with salty and fatty bacon, ham, or other pork products. Not only are these types of meats processed, but their sodium content is too much for your dog. Many baked bean recipes also contain a tomato-base of some kind, such as a tomato sauce or ketchup. Tomatoes are not healthy for dogs to eat either and can cause health problems. 

Training Dogs to Avoid Baked Beans

It is not too hard to keep your dog away from baked beans, so that they are not tempted to chow down on a bowl of them. Any kind of food that is toxic or unsafe for your dog to eat should be strictly kept away from them. This does not mean you have to eliminate those foods from your diet, but you should take some precautions. 

You should always keep unhealthy foods, like baked beans, out of your dog's reach. Don't leave bowls, pots, or pans full of the food in their line of sight or smell. Keep them higher on a counter or shelf that your dog is not able to reach. 

If you are having guests over where you are serving foods that are toxic to dogs, make sure you inform your guests not to sneak any bites of those foods to your dog. Let's face it, people are going to share their food with the dogs around them, so get in front of this issue and let them know that baked beans can really harm your dog's body and health. This should deter people from feeding that food to your dog, or anyone else's dog. 

If you want to give your dog plain beans without any seasonings or sugars, this is perfectly fine and safe for dogs to have! In fact, beans have a lot of protein and fiber that can really be beneficial to your furry friend's health. Cooking dried beans in plain and unseasoned water is the best way to go because it keeps the sodium level of the beans to a minimum. Canned beans contain high levels of sodium, and even the reduced sodium options still contain too much salt for dogs. 

Written by a Samoyed lover Kayla Costanzo

Veterinary reviewed by:

Published: 06/12/2018, edited: 04/06/2020

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