

4 min read


Can Dogs Taste Honey?



4 min read


Can Dogs Taste Honey?

Honey is one of nature's sweetest treats. This thick and sticky syrup is a wonderful and less processed alternative to sugar that can be added to sauces, baked good, and drizzled over sweet and savory foods. Honey also has a wide variety of health benefits, especially if you are choosing honey that is organic and raw since this kind of honey had many more nutritional benefits than filtered honey. Since honey is so good for humans and you likely have some in your home already, you may also wonder if your dog can have honey as well and if it can be included in their diet. Honey has great benefits for your dog, but must be give in moderation!

Signs of a Dog Liking Honey

There is a high probability that your dog is going to love the taste of honey. It is sweet and rich in flavor, but still mild, so it won't overpower your dog's palate. You know your dog the best and will be able to tell easily if your dog enjoys the taste of honey when you give it to them for the first time. 

If your dog likes the taste of honey, the first sign to look out for is them eating the honey without any hesitation. Your dog should lick up the honey with no issues! When your dog is finished, they may bark or cry for more, they may try and paw you, they may turn in circles, state at your, look alert and keep their gaze on the food, and they will most certainly be drooling as well. 

If your dog does not like the honey, they may try and lick it and then turn their nose up at it after the initial taste. Afterward, your dog may also snarl or expose their teeth to the honey, completely ignore the food and walk away, or they may vigorously lick their lips in an attempt to get the flavor out of their mouth.

Body Language

<p>These are some signs you might notice if your dog likes honey:</p>

  • Staring
  • Alert
  • Wag Tail
  • Drooling
  • Lips Pushed Forward
  • Paw Raised
  • Ears Up
  • Tongue Hanging

Other Signs

Here are some other signs you might notice if your dog likes honey:

  • Spinning In Circles
  • Profuse Drooling
  • Crying Or Whining For More
  • Begging
History of Honey and Dogs

Honey has a rich and slightly mysterious history. Honey has been used and recorded by humans as early as 2500 BCE in Cairo, but there is strong evidence that shows honeybees have been on Earth since 150 million years ago. Therefore, the exact amount of time honey has been around being undeterminable, we can assume that some form of honey has been around for millions and millions of years. 

Honey was often used as a sweetener in drinks and baking honey cakes with this delicious sweetener was a popular treat as well. In Greece and Egypt, honey was used as a medicine because of its extraordinary healing properties. 

Honey is antibacterial and rich in nutrients, vitamins, and minerals, which can heal a wide variety of illnesses and ailments. Egyptians used honey as a way to treat blindness, for swelling in the body and particularly the neck, for eye infections, rheumatic pain, and more. The Greeks used honey to treat pains, fever, chills, colds, headaches, ulcers, and febrile diseases.

Today, we use honey for both sweetening drinks and food, but also for its healing properties as well. Honey is not just beneficial to humans but used to treat issues with dogs. 

Science Behind the Benefits of Honey for Dogs

There are many health benefits of honey, but if you choose raw, and preferably organic, honey to give your dog, your dog will reap even more benefits. Feeding your dog raw and local honey can help reduce any allergies they may have. Many studies have found raw and local honey reduces allergies. Local honey contains very small amounts of local pollen, so when your dog ingests these small amounts of pollen they get used to the allergen - hence why their allergies improve. 

Raw honey will also help your dog if they get a kennel cough. To fight this unpleasant illness, you should use Manuka honey from New Zealand because it has the highest concentration of antibacterial properties. 

Raw honey is also great for if your dog gets a scratch or scrape on their skin. The antibacterial properties of the honey will help keep the wound clean and free of bacteria. Any raw honey will work, but Manuka honey is the most powerful choice. the FDA actually approved manuka honey as a treatment for severely burned patients. 

Raw honey will also help your dog with stomach and gastrointestinal issues. If your dog gets a minor case of vomiting or diarrhea, raw honey just may do the trick to clear up their stomach bug.   

Lastly, raw honey can help boost your pooch's energy levels! This is particularly great for older dogs or dogs who may be suffering from depression and lethargy. 

Training Dogs to Like Honey

You probably will not have to train your dog to like honey. It is sweet and mild in flavor and most dogs really love the taste of honey. Honey is sugar, so you do not want to overfeed your dog with honey. Too much sugar can cause weight gain and tooth decay, which will lead to bad breath and a host of other issues like diabetes. 

You should talk to your vet about the proper amount of honey to feed your dog on a weekly basis. This will vary depending on size, age, breed, and weight. Generally, you should give your dog no more than 1 teaspoon of honey at a time if they are a small breed, 2 teaspoons for a medium breed, and 2 tablespoons for a large and extra large breed, although reducing that number is advised. 

You can mix the honey into their meals, give it to them on a spoon, or blend the honey with some coconut oil, place in molds, and freeze. This makes a super-healthy coconut-oil-and-honey treat your dog is sure to love!

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Safety Tips for Feeding Your Dog Honey:

  1. Speak to your vet to figure out how much you should be giving your dog.
  2. Do not feed too much, or your else your dog may gain weight and experience health issues.
  3. If your dog hates the taste, don't force them to eat it.

Written by a Samoyed lover Kayla Costanzo

Veterinary reviewed by:

Published: 04/11/2018, edited: 04/06/2020

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