

4 min read


Can Newfoundland Dogs Live in Apartments?



4 min read



When it comes to big dogs living in apartments, it isn’t a question of can they live in apartments. Instead, it is more a question of whether or not you should have them in this kind of small living situation. Even a large apartment will seem much smaller with such a large dog living inside.

At a staggering 100 to 150 pounds, the space requirements for a Newfoundland are going to be very different than those for a 5-pound chihuahua. It is important to take a lot of things into consideration before you decide to move a Newfoundland dog into a small apartment.

Signs Newfoundland Dogs Can Live in Apartments

The first step to deciding if a Newfoundland dog can live in an apartment is to check with your landlord or apartment complex management. Some apartments will have size and breed restrictions that may prevent you from owning a Newfoundland dog in their apartments. If you get the go-ahead, you should still consider a few other things first.

When considering an apartment living situation for a large dog, you need to consider the personality and needs that the dog will have. Regardless of where you live, dogs have exercise requirements that need to be met. A large, but mellow dog will likely fare well in an apartment environment. Newfoundland dogs are generally mellow as long as they get a reasonable amount of exercise each day. Keep in mind that Newfoundland dogs love water and swimming, and they will often try to jump in large bodies of water, which may not be allowed at your apartment complex.

Due to their large size, you will also want to monitor them during playtime at a dog park or if you let them enjoy some nice weather on an outdoor patio or balcony. These large dogs may be able to easily jump over safety railings.

Dogs that are unhappy in their living situations will often display specific body language, and you need to be in tune to what makes your dog happy and unhappy. If you see your dog displaying any signs of depression, that is a good sign that your dog isn’t getting the exercise and doesn’t have the space it needs to be happy.

History of Newfoundland Dogs Living in Small Homes

Many large or giant breed dogs were bred to perform specific tasks for their owners, including Newfoundland dogs. While most Newfoundland dogs are just companion animals now, they still have instincts that make them crave a little exercise and work. For Newfoundland dogs, this work revolves around water and helping fishermen. For that reason, Newfoundland dogs aren’t necessarily highly active dogs, but they do need some exercise to stay healthy and happy.

If possible, it is a good idea to find a place where your dog can get in a little swim time. Walks and romps at the dog park will still help your dog exert the extra energy that builds up in dogs that live in small areas.

Many people believe that the only thing you need to consider when bringing a dog into an apartment is its size. In reality, there is a lot more involved. You should consider the breed. While some large breed dogs require a lot of space and exercise, not all do. 

For example, Newfoundland dogs like to lounge around. Large breed herding dogs do not like to be pent up. Breeds in the guarding and sighthound groups are just fine in small homes or apartments because they were only bred to work in short bursts and then rest for the remainder of the time. Some working dogs will also fare well in apartments.

Science Behind Newfoundland Dogs Living in Small Homes

If you are considering bringing a Newfoundland dog into an apartment, there are a few things that you need to consider. First, the age of your Newfoundland may have a lot to do with your success in integrating a Newfoundland into a small environment. 

Young puppies will require more exercise and are often not allowed at dog parks for their own safety. This means that you need to be able to provide an outlet for your puppy’s energy. Puppies are highly adaptable, however, and that makes them better equipped to live in an apartment. A puppy that doesn’t know that larger spaces are available will do better as they grow than an older dog who is used to lots of land.

If you can’t provide ample time for adequate exercise, you will need to enlist help from a dog walker or doggy daycare service. Otherwise, you should pass on bringing a Newfoundland into an apartment. The breed tends to do well in apartments, but only when they get the exercise that they crave, so you need to be considerate to what your dog really needs and not just the fact that you want a Newfoundland dog.

Dealing with a Newfoundland Dog in an Apartment

For some dog breeds, apartment life will never be satisfactory. Fortunately, Newfoundland dogs can thrive in small apartments. While it may be difficult for you and your giant dog to navigate around your home, as long as your Newfoundland dog has plenty of time for playing and roaming, they will be happy. The biggest hurdle for most Newfoundland owners is finding a way to live with such a large dog in a small area. The dogs don’t seem to mind nearly as much as the people.

Newfoundland dogs are very mellow and laid back, so most of the time, they will just lie around and maybe trip their owners a few times a day. If you want to give your Newfoundland a bed, kennel, or other space of its own, you may have some difficulty when living in an apartment. These dogs need very large kennels and beds to lie in or on. In small homes, it can be hard to find a space that can be your dog’s own.

If you are extremely busy, it is best that you pass on getting a Newfoundland. Instead, choose a breed that doesn’t require hardly any exercise. Smaller dogs will also have enough space in an apartment to release their energy without needing extensive walks or doggy playtime. If you are concerned that you can’t provide what a Newfoundland needs, there are tons of other breeds that may be a better fit for you in the long run, which will make both you and the dog happier.

Written by a Pomsky lover Chelsea Mies

Veterinary reviewed by:

Published: 03/02/2018, edited: 04/06/2020

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