Sneezing Blood in Dogs
Written By hannah hollinger
Published: 07/22/2017Updated: 07/23/2021
Veterinary reviewed by Dr. Linda Simon, MVB MRCVS
What is Sneezing Blood?
There are several reasons as to why your dog is sneezing blood. It could be an allergy, infection, or even a foreign body that was breathed into your dog's nose and has been trapped inside. Dogs noses don’t bleed easily, so it is something that needs prompt attention. If your dog is one of the long nosed variety (such as Labrador, German Shepherd and others), they are susceptible to nasal cancer and tumors. Cancer can cause bleeding from either one or both nostrils. Request that your veterinarian assess your dog to determine the cause, some of which are listed below.
  • Foreign object
  • Bacterial infection
  • Allergies 
  • Tooth and gum problems 
  • Nasal cancer such as a tumor
  • Blood clotting disorder
  • Nasal polyp (benign growth)
Why Sneezing Blood Occurs in Dogs
Foreign Object 
Your dog is the original sticky beak; they are always poking their nose in places to see what is there, huffing and snuffling as they do. Sometimes they sniff up pointed seed grains that can lodge in their nasal area which causes them to sneeze repeatedly to try and remove it, which often causes bleeding. 
Fungal, Bacterial & Parasitic Infections
Any fungal or bacterial infection within the nasal area can cause your dog fits of sneezing, and because sneezing is a violent action, it can often cause nose bleeds. Look for other signs of infection such as our discharge and test to see whether air is coming from one or both nostrils. Nasal mite infestation can also cause sneezing which can produce blood in the fluids.
Allergies can also promote sneezing bouts that can, in turn, cause bleeding. The allergy is usually a seasonal occurrence, such as late spring and early summer when all the plant and grass pollen is floating around. Other allergens can be cigarette smoke or commonly used cleaning products used around the house. For most, allergic reactions will not cause nasal bleeding.
Tooth and Gum Problems 
Tooth problems, including gum disease and abscesses, can drain back into the nasal cavity and cause your dog to sneeze frequently, which in turn can cause bleeding. Tooth root abscesses would be a primary consideration. If left unattended, these pathological organisms can travel to other parts of the body and can turn the problems into long term chronic conditions. 
Cancer and Tumors 
While it is scary to contemplate, you need to be aware that in an older dog, you may encounter bloody sneezing which can be caused by the growth of a tumor in one of the nasal passages. The tumors start slowly with your dog only sneezing occasionally to clear the growth, but as the tumor expands and takes up more room, your dog will have frequent attacks of sneezing as he tries to expel the growth. The tumor usually only affects one side and blood loss in the affected nostril will be noticeable.
What to do if your Dog is Sneezing Blood
Because dogs should never have a nose bleed, it is a symptom that all is not right with your dog, especially when blood is a by-product of the sneeze. Some dogs won't allow you to peer up their nose, or into their mouth, so a trip to the veterinarian is the most effective solution. 
For a foreign object lodged in the nasal area, your dog will be sedated while the veterinarian attempts to remove it. Afterwards, your dog will need an anti-inflammatory injection and antibiotics and should quickly return to normal health after removal of the item. Usually, this condition only affects one side of the nose. 
Bacterial, viral or fungal infections will be prescribed a course of medication aimed at the type of infection present. 
A dental clean under anaesthetic will help to clear the infection spread by diseased gums and cracked teeth. Often, a course of medication over two to three weeks can clear the infection and allow your dog to return to normal. For nasal mite infestations, special medications will be administered to kill the mites.
Allergies will cause your dog some discomfort, but if it is seasonal, you can make changes to your dog’s day by keeping them indoors more, especially on very windy days. Removal of any highly potent pollen producing trees or bushes around your home may help. Your vet may prescribe anti-histamines.
If your veterinarian cannot find any of the above causes, then he will check for tumors within the nasal area. A full examination of your dog will be carried out, checking the mouth and nasal area using x-rays of the skull and CT scans, and the vet may take a biopsy through the nostrils. An x-ray or CT scan will look for changes or destruction to the nasal area. If the damage is noted in the nasal bones, it is usually caused by infection or cancer. These tests can also show any infection within the teeth roots. Blood tests and vigorous flushing of liquid to clear the nasal area (with the fluid then being sampled and analysed) are other processes that will help determine the diagnosis. Surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy are sometimes available for treatment, but surgery in this area is very difficult with so many hidden pockets. Your veterinarian will be able to advise you on the right course of action to help your dog.
Prevention of Sneezing Blood
It’s hard to prevent your dog getting his nose into ‘stuff’ because that’s what dogs do. Keeping your dog on a lead when out walking will let you see what your dog is exploring, and you can guide him away from harmful things. Ensuring you have a good management program for your dog will help keep them healthy. Implement dental care, a  healthy diet, plenty of exercise, and grooming. When grooming and when your dog is relaxed, it is a great opportunity to check your dog's ears, nose, eyes and belly for any changes. As an owner, through careful observation, you will notice subtle changes to your dog's behavior or personality which you can then take steps to remedy. Schedule a regular visit for your dog to go to the veterinary clinic. Like so many health issues, the sooner they are treated, the easier to solve.
Keep your dog up to date with their parasite prevention.
Cost of Sneezing Blood
Treatment may only cost the price of a clinic visit if it is a minor condition, but costs can vary depending on what condition your dog has. The treatment for mite infection within the nasal area could cost approximately $500 while the costs for treating a malignant tumor could set you back up to $12,000. The tooth abstraction and treatment of an abscess can cost anywhere between $500 and $1,500 depending on the severity. These costs are just an approximate price as it depends on the extent of treatment that your dog requires.

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Sneezing Blood Questions and Advice from Veterinary Professionals
Chihuahua Mix
Three Years

0 found this helpful

0 found this helpful

My pet has the following symptoms:
Sneezing And Nose Bleeding
My dog has been sneezing a lot since yesterday afternoon and sometimes blood comes out when she sneezes , shes active and happy as usual also eating
Sept. 26, 2020
Answered by Dr. Michele K. DVM
0 Recommendations
Thank you for your question. If she is still having these problems, It would be best to have your pet seen by a veterinarian, as they can examine your pet, see what might be going on, and get treatment for them if needed.
Oct. 17, 2020
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German Shepherd
Two Years

14 found this helpful

14 found this helpful

My pet has the following symptoms:
Vomit And Nose Bleed
Large pile of Vomit (once) 2 days Ago. Sneezed today nosebleed
Sept. 14, 2020
Answered by Dr. Michele K. DVM
14 Recommendations
Thank you for your question. I'm not sure that the vomiting and the nose bleed are necessarily related, but they may be. If the sneezing is a repeated thing, and is getting to the point where you are seeing blood, that may be caused by an allergy, an inhaled irritant, a nasal foreign body, or a systemic disease. If it is something that is continuing to happen, it would be best to have your dog seen by a veterinarian, as they can examine the nose and see what might be causing this problem. Once they know more, they will be able to let you know what treatment might be needed. I hope that all goes well for your dog and they feel better soon.
Sept. 14, 2020
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