Urinating in His Crate in Dogs

What is Urinating in His Crate?

When a dog is kept in her crate during the day, he may urinate in his space. A dog may urinate in his crate just one time a day, depending on how long he is kept contained. If a dog is kept in his crate all day long or all night, he may urinate several times. 

If a dog is in his crate for a short period of time, he may only urinate one time. This depends on if he has gone outside to the bathroom before he was put in. Also, many dogs feel that their crate is like a “safe haven” and they want to keep it clean; therefore, they may not urinate in their safe place.

If a dog is urinating in his crate, there may be other reasons why. Reasons he may be urinating in his crate include:

  • Improperly trained
  • Prolonged time in crate
  • Anxiety
  • Overactive bladder
  • Urinary tract infection

Why Urinating in His Crate Occurs in Dogs

When a dog is in his crate for a long period of time, he may need to urinate. Other reasons may include:

Improperly Trained

If your dog is improperly housebroken, he may not understand when to go to the bathroom and when to not go to the bathroom. It takes a lot of dedication, time, and patience to train a dog to go to the bathroom properly. If a dog doesn’t know what is expected, and is kept in a crate for a period of time, he may urinate.

Prolonged Time in Crate

If your dog is left in his crate for a long time, such as more than 5 hours or so, he may pee in it. Every dog is different, and some dogs can go without a toileting break for longer than others. However, if you are working dog parent, it is important to not leave your dog in a crate for the day, every day. Many responsible dog owners make arrangements for their dogs in order for them to have the opportunity to go to the bathroom during the day.


If you have an overly anxious dog, he may pee in his crate or in other places around the house. He may become nervous when you leave him in there, and may urinate due to stress or anxiety of being confined.

Overactive Bladder

Some dogs, typically older dogs, may be incontinent or have an overactive bladder. It is important to pay attention to your dog’s bathroom habits, and if he seems to have an overactive bladder then it is very important to take him outside frequently. Keeping him in a crate may cause him to go to the bathroom in the crate.  

Urinary Tract or Kidney Infection

If your dog has a urinary tract infection, he may feel the urge to pee more often than not. He may feel the urges to go to the bathroom, and may pee in various locations around the house. This includes his crate if he is left alone for a period of time. If your dog has stones or crystals in his bladder, this may also cause him to have the urge to pee.

What to do if your Dog is Urinating in His Crate

If your dog is peeing in his crate, and you feel he has not been in it very long, you may wish to contact your veterinarian. Your veterinarian will want to know information about your dog’s lifestyle and his environment, particularly his urination habits and how long he is in his crate. Once your veterinarian learns more about your dog, he may choose to do a few tests to check his kidneys and urine.

He may perform blood work, a urinalysis, and a biochemistry profile to get an overview of your dog’s health. Depending on the results of these tests, he will decide on the proper treatment plan.

If your dog has no health issues, your veterinarian may talk with you and give you advice on crate training. He may give you helpful tips on what to do before you put him in confinement and how often to take him outside to urinate. If your veterinarian feels you are keeping him in his crate for too many hours, he will let you know, and may advise you on getting someone to let him out in between that time period.

Prevention of Urinating in His Crate

There are ways to prevent your dog from peeing in his crate. The main thing you can do is to limit his time in the cage. It is important to be sure your companion pees outside before you put him in confinement, and to not leave him in there for more eight hours, if he is a healthy adult dog. Some professionals recommend no more than six hours. Also, it is important your dog gets an adequate amount of exercise before going into the crate.

Another way to help prevent your dog from peeing in the crate is to keep his regular check-ups and veterinary visits. This will allow you to be proactive in your dog’s overall health and catch any type of urinary tract infection early, if one should start.

Cost of Urinating in His Crate

For urinary tract infections in dogs, the price may be approximately $350. For crate training issues, and for hiring a behavioral therapist or trainer, the cost may be $350.

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Urinating in His Crate Questions and Advice from Veterinary Professionals


10 and a half weeks

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0 found this helpful

My pet has the following symptoms:
We take him out around 10:00 or 11:00 and We get up in the middle of the night to let him out but he will still pee in his kennel and not alert us he needs to go. We’ve even taken him out during the day and then we’ll put back In His kennel, we’ll sit down in the same room (living room) and hell pee right In front of us.

Sept. 29, 2020

Answered by Dr. Michele K. DVM

0 Recommendations

Thank you for your question. Your puppy is very young, and it can take some time to house train. Some breeds are more difficult to house train than others as well. Being consistent with taking him out will help, as will making sure you praise him when he urinates or defecates where you want him to so that he understands what he is expected to do. I hope it all goes well for him and he learns quickly.

Sept. 29, 2020

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Cocker spaniel mix


5 Years

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My pet has the following symptoms:
Frequent Urination
Our 5 year old spaniel has been able to hold his bladder for hours. He regularly drinks a lot of water, but has never had a problem waiting until we let him out before urinating. Recently, however, I've been coming home to big wet spots in the carpet. The other night he went 3 times in the course of two hours, once with me standing right next to him (I tried to get him to stop and go outside, and he just looked up at me like he was helpless). We took him to the vet, and his blood work and urine analysis came back normal. Then last night he peed in his crate (which is just big enough for him to fit inside), even though he went out about 6 hours before. I find this very strange since in the years we've had him, he's never peed in the house until now. Also, the urine is odorless, as though its extremely diluted. The first few times this happened I thought that it was just water that had spilled. There have been no changes in his diet or routine, and all of his other behaviors seem normal. Thanks for your help.

Sept. 13, 2018

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