3 min read
Common Ways Your Dog Can Be Poisoned

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Unfortunately, there are thousands of cases of dogs being poisoned accidentally or maliciously every day in the United States. Some dogs who are poisoned are lucky enough to survive with immediate veterinary medical care and treatment, while others are not as fortunate. There are several common ways dogs can be poisoned.

These are things you can look out for in and around your home to keep your dog from ever becoming a statistic of poisoned dogs. Keep your dog healthy and protected from everyday items that can cause poisoning.
People Food
Your dog probably won't turn down many food items in his lifetime. People food is quite intriguing because it is what he sees you eating. If you offer your dog healthy people food such as fruits and vegetables, he may be looking in and around your kitchen or even on your plate for anything else he might enjoy. Foods meant for people such as cherries, grapes, chocolate, avocados, and xylitol, a very common sweetener found in sugar-free drinks, candies, and gum can all be poisonous for your dog. While you probably want to give your dog a healthy diet consisting of nutritious fruits and vegetables, keep your dog away from people foods that can cause him harm.
Household Cleaners
As with humans--babies and small children, in particular--you will want to keep
an eye on your dog around any of your household cleaning supplies. Cleaners such as bleach, detergents, and window cleaners, if left readily available, can easily attract a bored puppy. Even if only sniffed, these cleaners can come into contact with your dog and be inhaled, ingested, or remain on his skin or in his nose. If your dog can get into spaces where you store household cleaners, a curious puppy or bored dog might be inclined to chew on a bottle containing household cleaners, resulting in poisoning.
Chemicals you may have in your yard such as chemicals for pools or fertilizers for your grass, trees, and bushes can be highly poisonous for your dog. Chemicals such as antifreeze, often found in garages or sheds, are attractive to dogs because they smell sweet. However, antifreeze can be a very quick death sentence for a dog who comes in contact with and ingests it.
Pesticides and Poisons
Poisons meant to destroy insects and rodents around your house, such as rats or mice, can also kill your dog. Keeping your dog away from such poisons is the only real way to prevent ingestion and poisoning with these products. Many rat poisons are made to cause the rats to bleed out specifically. If your dog ingests poisons such as these, they could have the same effect on him.
As with any other danger within your home, medications pose a problem for your dog. If left accessible for your dog to find and play with, drugs can easily be broken into and consumed
while you are away from your dog. Medications for the humans within your family as well as for the pets within your family can be highly dangerous for your dog to ingest. Pet medications may be recognized by your dog as special treats, such as heartworm pills. If left close by, these medications can be consumed all at once, causing serious problems for your dog.
There are several household plants you should avoid bringing into your home or having outside in your yard or your garden. To name a few, avoid azaleas, autumn crocus, oleander, and lilies when planting a garden. There are several flowers and bushes your dog may find in your home or your yard. Educate yourself on the proper plants to which you can safely expose your dog.
Supervision is Key
Malicious poisoning is something that occurs all too often as a crime. Many people who
choose to violently poison dogs often choose one of the above methods. The best way to keep
your dog safe is to keep him well supervised inside your house, and when not supervised, away from any materials that could cause him harm.
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