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Removing matts: Tangled fur is more likely to trap feces as they are passed. Do regular coat checks and remove any knots. Try combing the knots out. If you need to use scissors be very careful because it's easy to snip the skin. Always slide a comb between the skin and the knot, then snip on the knot side.
Clipping coats: For the fluff-ball Pomeranian to the thick-coated German Shepherd, think about a regular trim. Use clippers (get your friendly local groomer or vet tech to do this) to trim the long hair from around their butt.
Look out: Visually check your dog's nether regions on a daily basis.
Give good quality chow: Feed a good quality food that's low in difficult-to-digest ingredients such as soya or cornmeal.
Make dietary changes slowly: Avoid sudden changes in food. If you don't, it doesn't give the bacteria in the bowel a chance to acclimate, which can cause diarrhea.
Starve stomach upsets: If your dog has an upset tummy, withhold food (but not water) for 24 hours and then offer a bland diet.
See the vet: If your dog has persistent soft stools, diarrhea, or seems unwell in any way, consult the vet.
Comb, clip, or cut: Put on latex gloves and try to comb out, clip, or cut out the dingleberry. Slide a comb beneath the knot to guard the skin so that you don't nick it. Once the dingleberry is history, then bathe your dog. Avoiding wetting the area first as this makes removal much harder.
Seek professional help: If the problem is beyond your ability to clear, don't be bashful about seeking the help of a dog groomer, vet tech, or vet. They understand that these things happen and will be able to help. If the dingleberry has caused a sore or skin infection then antibiotics may be required.