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- How to Recognize If Your Dog Has a Brain Hemorrhage

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Dull and confused: Altered mental state is a significant sign that should press alarm bells. Taken to the extreme, this includes loss of consciousness and coma.
Poor coordination: Such as staggering, walking in circles, or bumping into walls
Flicking eyes: Known as 'nystagmus', eyes that flick from side to side can be a sign of inner ear disease or a brain disorder
Head tilt: As for flicking eyes, this can be an ear-related or brain problem
Seizures: Fits have many causes, including brain injury.
A recent head trauma: A clue may be a recent accident, shortly after which the dog's demeanor changed markedly
Bleeds easily: Does your dog bleed heavily from minor injuries?
Coagulation disorder: Does your dog have a diagnosis of an inherited clotting disorder or infection with lungworm or heartworm?
Heart condition: Turbulent blood flow due to heart disease can predispose to blood clots
Bruised gums: Tiny bruises on the gums is an indication that your dog is struggling to clot blood
Cushing's disease: Common in older dogs, Cushing's disease has a strong link to high blood pressure
Kidney disease: Another predisposing factor for high blood pressure
Blood clotting problems: This may be an inherited condition such as hemophilia, the result of rodenticide toxicity, or clotting disorders caused by parasitic infections