Phoebe has the best of both breed's personalities. She is intensely curious, and a total busy body. She has to know exactly what each family member is up to and where they are at all times, including the cats. She flips easily from high intensity zooming (she has the min-pin's lean build and long legs and she is FAST) to being a lazy puddle for hours on end, burrowed deep under her favorite blanket. It's very easy to rev her up and calm her down. She goes with the flow pretty easily most of the time and sees herself as one of the family and fully expects to be included in any activity, from expeditions outside, long road trips in the car or just cuddling and binge watching our favorite shows. She makes friends fairly easily so long as she's not overwhelmed. She gets along with very large dogs so long as there isn't more than one of them, otherwise she will hide under my legs trembling in fear. She does display a bit of dominance over smaller dogs sometimes. She is very protective of "her" domain, including people, cats, driveway, sidewalk, yard etc. If a strange person passes on the sidewalk she just keeps an eye on them from the window and keeps up a low growl until they pass. She doesn't bark much at all, unlike a typical minpin, but she does have her least favorite people, including our handyman,
and our neighbors cat, both of whom she hates with a seething fiery passion. (she hates the sound of power tools and associates the guy with that fear, as for the cat, he fights with HER kitties so she hates him) She will bark her little head off at either of them from the moment they step on the property until the moment they leave. With everyone else she will keep her distance and be wary until they have proved themselves to not be a threat, and then she will greet them with a tail wag and a sniff and then mostly ignore them after that. Except for her favorite people or her family who she has to greet IMMEDIATELY with full on force. She will jump several feet in the air, forcing you to catch her wriggling all over and licking you. Very few people get this treatment. She does NOT like family members to leave the house without her and gets quite upset about it.
Her favorite games are fetch and keep away. She LOVES squeaky toys and rarely destroys anything. She's learning how to play tug o war but it usually just frustrates her.
She has an uncanny amount of personality. Her main communication is with a perfectly timed sigh or huff or snort. These can mean many things but usually mean annoyance or indignation, sometimes I swear it's in place of an eye roll. She is VERY opinionated... about everything.
She HAS to have a fenced area or be on a leash at ALL times. If she gets out of her yard or slips her collar, she usually heads down to the road to investigate.
We got her at 9 months old. She was part of a very large pack of dogs, large and small, including several litter mates, and was VERY attached to her original owner. She is whip smart and seemed to know instinctively what direction she needed to go to get back "home". Unfortunately her original owner had 15 dogs and had to re-home many of them. It took her well over a year with us to quit trying to find her original owner. 3 years later we got together with her original owner and Phoebe went BONKERS, she definitely remembered her. She doesn't tend to make a beeline for the highway anymore trying to find her original "mama" and her pack, but she will wander and will take advantage of any opportunity to be her own boss off leash and out of bounds.
She is a very picky eater. We mix wet food with dry food and the ratio has to be right. She usually will try to bury her food with whatever is at hand, and she usually lets it sit for several hours. We're pretty sure the food burying has to do with being raised from a pup in a large pack of varying sizes and aggression.
She disdains any kind of dog treat, and will only take scraps or treats if they are broken into VERY tiny bites. She LOVES lettuce and kale. When we had guinea pigs she would steal kale out of their cage.
In many ways she's been very very easy to train. She knows most of her basic commands and follows them well. But she will sometimes decide that a command is just not in her best interest and will very deliberately ignore it. Usually this is "come". We haven't had much luck with that one.
As far as grooming, she rarely rarely gets brushed, usually only once or twice when she starts shedding. Her coat is very fine and very soft. Her tummy is pretty much bare skin and she has no undercoat. When we got her she was pure white with large brown spots, she has the typical min-pin light brown expressive eyebrows. As she grew she got tons of brown and black speckles all over her skin, not her fur, but now you can see tiny spots all over underneath her white fur.
She gets cold very easily and has quite a collection of coats and sweaters. If she is cold she will grab one of her favorite sweaters and drop it at your feet. She's usually too impatient to wait for you to put a coat on her before she goes outside, but if it's quite cold or snowy out she'll drop her sweater by the door to let you know she needs it on before she goes out.
One ear flops over significantly more than the other one. It is very cute and she is absolutely precious. She is truly truly an active member of our family and none of us could imagine life without her.
4 years, 1 month ago