New Guinea Singing Dog

18-24 lbs
New Guinea
Singing Dog, NGSD

The New Guinea Singing Dog is a medium-sized canine that developed in the higher elevations of the mountains in Papua New Guinea. Depending on which expert you speak to, they may be referred to as either a distinct breed of dog or in some cases as an entirely different species, much like the Dingo in Australia. They are only rarely spotted in the wild, but conservation efforts by the New Guinea Singing Dog Conservation Society have been successful with increasing the population of captive-bred dogs while continuing to preserve as much genetic diversity as possible and a few have become available through this route. While the conservation society discourages the breeding of dogs outside of the planned program, it does happen, resulting in both mixed and purebred New Guinea Singing dogs that occasionally become available for adoption, mostly through the conservation group themselves. 

purpose Purpose
Wild Dog
history Date of Origin
ancestry Ancestry

New Guinea Singing Dog Health

Average Size
Male New Guinea Singing Dog size stats
Height: 14-18 inches Weight: 24-30 lbs
Female New Guinea Singing Dog size stats
Height: 12-16 inches Weight: 18-24 lbs
Major Concerns
  • Usually Very Healthy
Minor Concerns
  • Usually Very Healthy
Occasional Diagnoses
  • None Known
Occasional Tests
  • Blood Panel

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New Guinea Singing Dog Breed History

The New Guinea Singing Dog originated in New Guinea, as the name suggests, at some point in antiquity, but experts are divided when it comes to their theories about the foundation of this breed. Like the Dingo, the New Guinea Singing dog is considered by many to be a true wild dog, and although it is exceedingly rare to find one in the wilds any longer, they are being bred by conservationists in an attempt to ensure the survival of the breed. The New Guinea Singing Dog Conservation Society was established in 1997 in New Guinea and has been closely controlling the breeding of this canine in captivity in order to ensure that the surviving animals will be as strong, healthy, and disease-free as possible. They have accomplished this by using methods targeted at maximizing the genetic diversity present in the small population of captive dogs while ensuring that the breed’s purity remains intact. Most captive New Guinea Singing dogs are being bred in zoos, and those that are placed with individuals as pets are generally spade or neutered prior to transfer, partially to help control the health of the breeding population and partially to ensure that the dogs do not develop as many problem behaviors. This is an exceedingly rare canid and is very difficult to locate in the United States, but according to the Conservation Society webpage, breeders of the NGSD should be offering these dogs at the same price as other, more common purebred dogs, rather than the $2,500-5,000 some rare breeds command. This practice is meant as a measure to discourage inbreeding or outcrossing in environments like puppy mills or poor backyard breeders. 

New Guinea Singing Dog Breed Appearance

This medium-sized canid is typically just under a foot and a half tall at the shoulder and they weigh around twenty to twenty-five pounds, with a body that is generally about twenty percent longer than the dog is tall. They have solid, wedge-shaped heads with wide cheekbones and a tapering muzzle that is, on average, just a touch shorter than the length of the skull. They have small eyes that are triangular in shape that tend to come in several shades of brown, from light amber to very dark brown, and small, triangular ears that are set wide apart and held erect with a cupped, tulip-like base. The back corners of their mouths tend to turn up, giving them a generally happy expression, and they have teeth that are generally larger than the teeth of other dogs and their tails are long and bushy, often with a white tip, and is said to closely resemble the tail of a fox. Their thick, double-layer coats can come in several colors, including several shades of red, fawn, sable, and rust. 

Eye Color Possibilities
brown New Guinea Singing Dog eyes
Nose Color Possibilities
black New Guinea Singing Dog nose
Coat Color Possibilities
sable New Guinea Singing Dog coat
red New Guinea Singing Dog coat
fawn New Guinea Singing Dog coat
Coat Length
Short Medium Long
Coat Density
coat density
Sparse Normal Dense
Coat Texture
coat texture
New Guinea Singing Dog straight coat texture
Straight Wiry Wavy Curly Corded

New Guinea Singing Dog Breed Maintenance

The grooming for this breed is not particularly difficult. Bathing should only occur on an occasional basis as bathing that is too frequent can strip the coat of protective oils that are naturally present in the coat. Their double-layer coat should be brushed several times a week; this will help to remove dirt and debris, and control shedding as well as prevent tangles and mats from forming, which is particularly important in regards to the thick undercoat, where particularly bad mats and tangles may incorporate the skin of the animal and lead to infection. They do tend to shed more heavily during the change of seasons and may require daily brushing during these times. 

Brushes for New Guinea Singing Dog
Pin Brush
Pin Brush
Nail Clipper
Nail Clipper
Brushing Frequency
fur daily fur weekly fur monthly
New Guinea Singing Dog requires daily brushing
Daily Weekly Monthly

New Guinea Singing Dog Temperament

The New Guinea Singing dog is an introverted and independent animal that developed without a great deal of human interaction, and they tend to bring this attitude into the home as well when captive bred animals are kept as pets. They tend to be shy or discriminating with strangers but are generous with cheek rubs and kisses for those that they are familiar with. This breed also has an extremely high prey drive which is often impossible to extinguish, although they can sometimes be socialized to get along with pets that they grow up with. They are protective towards children and do not tend towards aggression, but interactions should be carefully supervised to prevent any misunderstandings from occurring between the two. This breed of dog developed in isolation from other dogs, and in doing so developed some behavioral traits that are different from other, more domesticated dogs. Like other dogs, they can quickly dig under most fences, but unlike other dogs, these dogs can just as easily climb over the fence if it isn’t properly secured. They also have a few other communication differences, such as putting their ears to the side instead of back and going into a crouch to signal play, rather than the traditional play bow. This breed is quite intelligent and they tend to be good at problem-solving, but their ability to escape yards and enclosures combined with their extremely high prey drive and independent spirit make this type of canine an extremely challenging animal to train and live with.

New Guinea Singing Dog Activity Requirements

This breed is reported to have very high activity during their first year or so, but they tend to settle down a bit as they mature. While those few who have had the pleasure of living with a New Guinea Singing dog say they still tend to have excellent stamina and will generally be able to follow you anywhere you want to go, they become less hyperactive and tend to be fairly calm compared to many other breeds. They are also extraordinarily flexible compared to most other canines and are able to fit through any space that they can get their head through. 

Activity Level
low activity medium activity high activity
Low Medium High
Rec. Walk Mileage Per Week
10 miles
walk mileage
Minutes of Activity Per Day
60 minutes
activity minutes

New Guinea Singing Dog Food Consumption

Cups Per Day
1.5 cups
cup per day cost
Daily Cost
$1.00 - $1.50
food bowls daily cost
Monthly Cost
$25.00 - $30.00
food bag monthly cost

New Guinea Singing Dog Height & Weight

6 Months
Male New Guinea Singing Dog size stats at six months
Height: 15.0 inches Weight: 20.5 lbs
Female New Guinea Singing Dog size stats at six months
Height: 13.0 inches Weight: 16.0 lbs
12 Months
Male New Guinea Singing Dog size stats at 12 months
Height: 16.0 inches Weight: 27.0 lbs
Female New Guinea Singing Dog size stats at 12 months
Height: 14.0 inches Weight: 21.0 lbs
18 Months
Male New Guinea Singing Dog size stats at 18 months
Height: 16.0 inches Weight: 27.0 lbs
Female New Guinea Singing Dog size stats at 18 months
Height: 14.0 inches Weight: 21.0 lbs

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