
12-15 lbs
Norfolk Terrier
Jack Russell Terrier

The Norjack is an uncommon designer dog, an intentional mix between two small, spirited terrier breeds; the Norfolk Terrier and the Parson Jack Russell Terrier. Both of the parent breeds are fairly young breeds, both less than two centuries in development. The Parson Jack Russell was developed first in the 19th century as a fox hunting dog, meant to bring a fox to ground and hold it until the hunters arrived, while the Norfolk Terrier was developed in the 20th century from an efficient rat hunter that originated in the urban areas around Cambridge University. This crossbreed is an intelligent but sometimes challenging canine and it may require a great deal of socialization, training, and attention for this dog to reach their full potential.

purpose Purpose
Companion Animal and Earth Dog
history Date of Origin
ancestry Ancestry
Norfolk Terrier and Parson "Jack" Russell Terrier

Norjack Health

Average Size
Male Norjack size stats
Height: 10-13 inches Weight: 12-15 lbs
Female Norjack size stats
Height: 10-13 inches Weight: 12-15 lbs
Major Concerns
  • Patellar Luxation
  • Cataracts
  • Urolithiasis
Minor Concerns
  • Glaucoma
  • Lens Luxation
  • Ichthyosis
  • Ataxia
  • Optic Nerve Hypoplasia
  • Myasthenia Gravis
Occasional Diagnoses
  • Follicular Dysplasia
  • Deafness
  • Bleeding Disorders
  • Leukodstrophies
Occasional Tests
  • Eye Examination
  • BAER Testing
  • Blood And Urine Analysis
  • Skin and Hair Exams

Save on pet insurance for your Norjack


Now that you know what you’re in for, you may want to get ahead of future vet bills, which are typically $500-1,000 a year for a Norjack.

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Norjack Breed History

The Norjack is a hybrid dog, an intentional cross between two small but feisty terriers, the Norfolk Terrier and the Parson Russell Terrier, known more commonly as the Parson Jack Russell Terrier or even just the Jack Russell. The Parson Russell Terrier gets its name from the man who founded the breed, Parson John “Jack” Russell. The Parson was an avid fox hunter and a breeder of foxhounds who was inspired to develop the breed by the dog of a milkman. He spotted the small, mostly white female with the milkman in 1819 and bought her right then and there, giving her the name of “Trump”, and he used her as a basis for a breed that had long enough legs to keep up with the fox but was also small enough to follow it to ground if needed. This spirited canine was bred with the intent to chase but not kill the fox, leaving that up to the hunter. It is important to note that although the only dog recognized by the American and United Kingdom Kennel Clubs is the Parson Russell Terrier, there are also Jack Russell Terrier Clubs in both England and in the United States that favor a less consistent canine which may have infusions of Corgi or Dachshund genetics in its background, giving it shorter legs and a longer back, as well as differences in temperament and health. The Norfolk Terrier is a much younger breed than the Parson Russell Terrier, an offshoot of the Norwich Terrier breed, which was developed in the early 20th century from a small ratting terrier that was so widely employed to kill rats on Trumpington street near Cambridge University that it was known as the Trumpington Terrier, and a smooth haired white Terrier female with prick ears known only as “Ninety”. Until recently the Norwich Terrier came in a prick-eared and a folded ear variety, however, the variety that had the folded ears were renamed the Norfolk Terrier and were first recognized as a separate breed by the English, Canadian, and American Kennel Clubs just in the last half of the 20th century.

Norjack Breed Appearance

Like most working terrier types, the Norjack dog is a sturdily built but compact animal with strong bones and powerful legs, however, the two parent breeds are quite different in structure and appearance and these little hybrid terriers can vary quite a bit from dog to dog. Those that lean towards the Norfolk Terrier genetics are likely to have longer backs and straighter tails than those with the Parson Jack Russell’s heritage, while those that favor the Parson Russell will have longer legs and narrower chests. The shape and structure of the head and the facial areas can differ quite a bit as the Norjack can inherit qualities from either the Norfolk Terrier, with a broad, slightly rounded head and shortened, wedge-shaped muzzle, or from the Parson Jack Russell which possesses a flatter skull shape that is wide at the back but narrower towards the front with a longer more rectangular muzzle than that of the Norfolk. The Norjack should consistently have dark eyes that can be either oval or almond in shape, and small V-shaped ears that drop forward, the rounded tips hanging near the cheekbones. The double layer coat of the Norjack is inherited from both parent breeds and in most cases this will be comprised of a soft, very dense undercoat with a protective coat made up of straight, wiry hairs, a coat that  is common to both the Norfolk Terrier and the broken-coated variety of the Parson Russell Terrier, however, the Norjack may occassionally inherit a smooth, glossy coat from the smooth-coated Parson Russell Terrier. 

Eye Color Possibilities
brown Norjack eyes
Nose Color Possibilities
black Norjack nose
Coat Color Possibilities
white Norjack coat
brown Norjack coat
sable Norjack coat
red Norjack coat
fawn Norjack coat
Coat Length
Short Medium Long
Coat Density
coat density
Sparse Normal Dense
Coat Texture
coat texture
Norjack wiry coat texture
Straight Wiry Wavy Curly Corded

Norjack Breed Maintenance

These little canines don’t generally need baths more than two or three times a year, providing that they are thoroughly brushed on a regular basis, and bathing these dogs too frequently can even strip them of essential natural oils, leaving their skin and coat dry and brittle. The Norjack requires weekly brushing to help distribute their natural oils to their coat, to remove dirt and debris, and to control shedding. In addition to the weekly brushing, the wiry coated variety of this dog may require hand stripping two to three times a year, and may even require the occasional use of thinning shears and trimming scissors to keep it neat and tidy. 

Brushes for Norjack
Slicker Brush
Slicker Brush
Nail Clipper
Nail Clipper
Brushing Frequency
fur daily fur weekly fur monthly
Norjack requires weekly brushing
Daily Weekly Monthly

Norjack Temperament

Terriers, in general, were developed to be independent, tenacious, and ready for anything, and these traits are definitely present in the Norjack crossbreed. They are happiest when they are in the thick of the activity and can be very demanding if they feel they are being left out of things. These dogs are good companions for older children as their enthusiasm for life and play can appear endless, but some may become possessive, jealous, and even nippy with babies and toddlers. With the inclusion of the Norfolk Terrier, this hybrid is likely to be somewhat less aggressive towards other animals, but they are still generally quite feisty and can be bossy towards other cats and dogs in the household. They may be reserved towards strangers, but early positive socialization will typically help prevent any undue anxiety about strangers from taking hold. Although this crossbreed is very intelligent and will learn tricks rather quickly, it can be difficult to get them to do the tricks consistently due to the independence and stubbornness that was bred into them. Even early training and socialization may not be able to fully quench this dog’s drive to chase and even kill things that scurry, squeak, or flutter, so these dogs should not be left alone with smaller pets, and they require a fence or leash at all times when outdoors. 

Norjack Activity Requirements

Despite its small stature, this hybrid is a very energetic animal and it requires a great deal of activity to keep it healthy and happy. Although Norjacks that heavily favor the Norfolk Terrier may be satisfied with an hours worth of activity per day, most will prefer at least another half hour beyond that. These dogs are often quick thinking as well, and varying their exercise routine will benefit both their mind and body. Additional activities that these dogs may enjoy can include agility training, earth dog trials, frisbee competitions, and even water sports. These dogs are often too active and yappy to make good apartment dwellers, although with consistent training and extra daily exercise they may be able to adjust. 

Activity Level
low activity medium activity high activity
Low Medium High
Rec. Walk Mileage Per Week
10 miles
walk mileage
Minutes of Activity Per Day
90 minutes
activity minutes

Norjack Food Consumption

Cups Per Day
1 cups
cup per day cost
Daily Cost
$0.70 - $1.00
food bowls daily cost
Monthly Cost
$25.00 - $30.00
food bag monthly cost

Norjack Height & Weight

6 Months
Male Norjack size stats at six months
Height: 10.5 inches Weight: 10.5 lbs
Female Norjack size stats at six months
Height: 10.5 inches Weight: 10.5 lbs
12 Months
Male Norjack size stats at 12 months
Height: 11.5 inches Weight: 13.5 lbs
Female Norjack size stats at 12 months
Height: 11.5 inches Weight: 13.5 lbs
18 Months
Male Norjack size stats at 18 months
Height: 11.5 inches Weight: 13.5 lbs
Female Norjack size stats at 18 months
Height: 11.5 inches Weight: 13.5 lbs

Norjack Owner Experiences

Mr Benn
2 Years
1 People
House & Yard
I Rehomed this boy 7 weeks ago and love him so much. He's protective of me and the home, dislikes cats, motorcycle and joggers!! He loves to sit on my lap and snuggle. Shares me bed and my whole life. I've always poo pooed small dogs in favour of Border Collies and GSDs but this match was fate and the best thing that ever happened. He's feisty, stubborn, frustrating and adorable. My best friend in the world.
7 years, 3 months ago
4 Years
4 People
House & Yard
Could not ask for a more loving and affectionate dog, she is friendly to and loved by everyone she meets of every age. Suffers from severe allergies and skin irritation which require expensive injections monthly. Prone to weight gain as they are of solid build. Does not lose hair but can become matted if not brushed regularly.
7 years, 2 months ago
9 Years
3 People
Playing tug of war
Just joining in with whatever the family is doing
Sitting on your lap or sleeping in your bed
Socialising with people or other animals
He is less fiesty than a normal Jack russel. He barks if someones at the door but isnt really a yappy dog. He is great with childten, babies & other animals such as our cat and dragon,h. He likes to chase but doesnt kill. He was gentle even when i had a pet rat as grew up with him. He puts my child to sleep each night & has since my son was a baby, then sleeps in our bed. He is good off the lead when running off road but can zone out & ignore you if he sees anotger dog to play with. He recalls for me but not my husband. He lifts his paw to ask for thingslike the toilet & barks to ask to be let back in when hes done. He sits & gives paw but wont lie & pulls a bit on lead.He is friendly & affectionate but hates being left out of anything. He likes being very much a part of the family. He is energetic & fast but after hes had a run or walk hes happy to sleep! Only downside is he has a flea bite alergy & wheat allergy so needs wheat free food & a decent antiflee treatment or he will pull his furr out. But all in all the best dog ive had. Very spirited, with lots of character& very loving, however not as brave but may be because he was a rescue at 6 months old.
6 years, 8 months ago
3 Months
2 People
House & Yard
We have had our little Holly for five weeks now and are revelling in watching her grow, learn and become outgoing and friendly. She has had lead training in the house and are looking forward to being able to take her for her first walk outside this weekend.
6 years, 2 months ago
6 Years
5 People
House & Yard
Family time
Eating Snacks
He is without a doubt the best thing to ever happen to any of us! He brings us so much joy and mischief every single day! Tiny dog with a massive personality and wouldn’t change a thing!
5 years, 1 month ago
2 Years
4 People
What an amazingly friendly and loving little dog. Perfect for families and those who have never had dogs before. Good watch dogs so can bark a bit, but not nasty with it.
4 years, 8 months ago
12 Months
2 People
A very friendly dog to people and plays well with other dogs large and small. Signals play clearly and early. Hi energy - demand for exercise regularly 3 hours walking per day if not too hot. Needs time off leash to run. Loves to play games also while at home, invents her own games to play with humans. Communicates what she wants. Not a dog to have around if working from home - or will need a walker. Very affectionate and intelligent. Learns quickly, but can be wilfull if distracted bunnies or playmates... or wants more exercise. Nips adults to get attention for play, but does not snarl, snap or bite. Does not nip children.
4 years, 5 months ago
5 Years
2 People
House & Yard
We got buddy when he was 3 and the poor boy didn’t have the best start. He was from an abusive house where we gathered he was kicked and beaten as we couldn’t walk past him or move our feet without him jumping and yelping to get out the way. 2 years down the line and he is now happy for us to step over him and scratch his back with our get without him being anxious. He will come and sit with us for a little while when it’s convenient to him but when he’s ready he will go to his bed. Lovely animal and so much potential. He’s Not so good with cats squirrels rats pidgeons, etc etc
4 years, 3 months ago
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