Dog Parks
Before Shadow, I had a much beloved female Great Pyrenees (Shiloh) who died at 11 y.o. on 16th May 2017. I was not thinking of getting another dog because I am now 67 y.o. but my heart was so broken but when I saw Shadow, I drove 6 hours return to go get her. Met her mom a super affectionate Pyr. Shadow was quite a bundle for the first few months and at 2 months old she would obey commands like sit, lie down, come here and both paws. Then I taught her 'wait' (I have difficulty walking & going up/down the stairs), 'come eat your food', 'leave it', 'up' and 'down' with the car. Then one day I told her that she has to tell me clearly what she wanted. To my surprise, when she wants to go outside she touches the door knob or points at the door, when she wants to fresh water she points to the kitchen sink and for food or treats she makes a particuler kind of mumbling. Teaching her not to pull when walking is taking longer but learned quickly not to get tangled around trees or posts. Also teaching her to stop barking. She looks more like a St-Bernard, she is black and white with similar markings of the St-Bernard and most people think she is a St-Bernard or a Newfoundland Landseer. As for her temperament, she reminds me a lot of Shiloh because Pyrs do not eat as much as other same size dogs and I feed her raw diet. Very gentle when she takes food/treats from my fingers. I have 2 male cats and they all love each other, licking each other, sleeping side by side with Shadow putting her paw over while sleeping. Shadow is also very funny and very expressive with her face. All the things she does like Shiloh is amazing, just seems like Shiloh somehow taught her. Inside, she is always by my side wherever I am. At the dog park, she is very gentle with the little dogs and everybody loves her and the way she plays with all the dogs. She is submissive with no grain of meanness or aggressivity. We go to dog park almost everyday (between 40 minutes to 2-1/2 hours), playing in the backyard 2-3 times a day, and take her for 20 minutes walks as often as I can. I live alone with no relatives and no friends, so Shadow and my cats (Bailey and Bizou) are my family and treat them as such. We all love each other unconditionnally. I feel very blessed and happy to have them with me.
6 years ago