Saint Bernese

110-170 lbs
United States
Saint Bernard
Bernese Mountain Dog
Saint Berner

The Saint Bernese is the offspring of the cross between a Saint Bernard dog and a Bernese Mountain dog - both very large working type of dogs. Mild in nature, they are very easy to integrate into a family. Children will love this massive dog with its gentle ways and patient nature. As a puppy they are adorable with their oversized paws, soft fluffy fur and boundless energy. These dogs are easy to socialise and mix well with other household pets and dogs. While they are young, take them out for short gentle walks while their soft bones mature to avoid any injury that may affect them later in life. 
Keep them away from stairs or jumping off heights to avoid damaging their growing bones. The Saint Bernese puppy will love a selection of toys to share with the family, children will have a ready playmate who always wants to play. The Saint Bernese is a people dog, they prefer being with you as much as possible. They are surprisingly calm and careful when inside, moving quietly so as not to knock anything over. Always a starter, they will welcome a chance to come with you and the family on any outing you please. They don't care where you are going or why, they just want to be part of it. These dogs are not a long living animal, sadly they only live between six and ten years, but those years are bound to full of fun and laughter with this happy dog around.

purpose Purpose
history Date of Origin
ancestry Ancestry
Saint Bernard, Bernese Mountain Dog

Saint Bernese Health

Average Size
Male Saint Bernese size stats
Height: 28-35 inches Weight: 120-180 lbs
Female Saint Bernese size stats
Height: 26-32 inches Weight: 110-170 lbs
Major Concerns
  • Canine Hip Dysplasia (Chd)
  • Von Willebrand's Disease
  • Cancer
  • Gastric Dilation Volvulus (GDV) or Bloat
  • Spinal Issues
Minor Concerns
  • Allergies
  • Obesity
  • Eye Infections
  • Eye Conditions
Occasional Diagnoses
  • Hyperthyroidism
Occasional Tests
  • Eye Examinations
  • Urinalysis
  • Complete Blood Count
  • Buccal Mucosal Screening
  • Complete Ophthalmologic Examination
  • Full Body Physical Examination
  • Skin Biopsy or Intradermal Tests for specific allergies
  • Skin Scrapings and Biopsies
  • X-rays or other radiographic imaging
  • Electrocardiograph (ECG - measures rate and rhythm)

Saint Bernese Breed History

The Saint Bernese is a rare hybrid dog without much known about its development. Therefore we need to look at the parent dogs to understand the characteristics the Saint Bernese will inherit. The Saint Bernard has his roots in the Roman Molossian dogs but in 1670 the breed developed into the fabulous dog that saved so many people. The St. Bernard Hospice was a refuge for travellers crossing the rugged icy terrain between Switzerland and Italy. The monks soon discovered the Saint Bernard was an excellent tracker in the deep snow and were adept at finding lost travellers. These amazing dogs would find the person and lick the persons face then lie beside them to keep them warm, reviving them and warming them which enabled them to survive. The dogs continued this tradition for three centuries and are credited with saving over 2000 lives. During the 1800s many of these amazing dogs were lost to severe weather, disease and inbreeding. Eventually they were crossed with the Newfoundland dog in 1830 to strengthen the breed. The first Saints arrived in England in 1810 and they caught the eye of American dog fanciers 1880. By the 1900s the Saint Bernard became very popular as a loving, mellow dog that made an excellent devoted companion. The Bernese Mountain Dog is the only one to have fairly long, silky hair among the Swiss Mountain dogs. Some believe this dog goes back to when the Romans invaded Switzerland, and the Roman Mastiffs were crossed with native flock-guarding dogs. The result was a dog that could withstand the harsh Alpine weather and they were used to guard, drove, and herd as well as being a general farm dog. 

By the late 1800s though, numbers had declined dramatically but thankfully a professor, Albert Heim, took the effort to study and promote the dog, which increased its numbers throughout Switzerland and Europe. These dogs made ideal companions when caught out by blizzards or freezing weather and many a farmer credited these dogs with keeping them warm enough to survive the ordeal. The finest dogs came from the Durrbach area and were known by the name of Durrbachier dogs. 

As their popularity grew, the name was changed to Bernese Mountain Dog. They first arrived in American in 1926 and were formally recognised by the American Kennel Club in 1937. The Bernese Mountain dog can still be found today working on farms or ranches, as well as being cossetted lovingly by owners around the cities as a treasured companion dog.

Saint Bernese Breed Appearance

The Saint Bernese is the offspring of the cross between a Saint Bernard dog and a Bernese Mountain Dog - both large dogs. The result is a giant dog that can weigh up to 120 pounds. These gentle giants are lovable dogs, solid and tall in stature, with a dense coat thick coat. Their body  is well proportioned with the body being longer than it is tall. They have a deep chest, and a solid sturdy body that is well muscled. Their strong legs are well suited to match their heavy body, and their paws are rounded and almost the size of a bear paw. Floppy  ears either side of the head frames their face and a pointed muzzle give this dog a look of anticipation and alertness. The eyes are round, dark, expressive and large. The Saint Bernese does drool a bit and has floppy lips, but their happy face and lovely nature will make them a popular companion. Built like a work horse with a lot of power and energy, these dogs do need an active family to help them burn up some of their energy.
Eye Color Possibilities
brown Saint Bernese eyes
amber Saint Bernese eyes
Nose Color Possibilities
black Saint Bernese nose
Coat Color Possibilities
cream Saint Bernese coat
isabella Saint Bernese coat
pied Saint Bernese coat
black Saint Bernese coat
white Saint Bernese coat
brown Saint Bernese coat
Coat Length
Short Medium Long
Coat Density
coat density
Sparse Normal Dense
Coat Texture
coat texture
Saint Bernese straight coat texture
Straight Wiry Wavy Curly Corded

Saint Bernese Breed Maintenance

The dense coat of the Saint Bernese does take a lot of brushing to keep it in order and to remove the hair being shed. These dogs do shed quite a lot so if you are not into cleaning fur off your floor and furniture on a daily basis the Saint Bernese may not be for you. A good strong bristle brushing daily will remove most stray hairs and prevent your dogs hair from matting. Bathing can be an effort but luckily these dogs don't need it very often. Remember to use a special dog shampoo that is mild and gentle on their skin. Their eyes are prone to problems so check for redness and weeping, it may need checking by your veterinarian to clear it up. Ears also need checking in case a build up of dirt and wax causes inflammation. Toenails need a trim, especially if they are making a clicking noise across your floor - a sure sign that they are too long. Just a little trim, be careful not to trim into the nail bed which may cause your dog pain. Finally a good teeth brushing in and around the floppy chops of this large dog. While it may take time, prevention is always far easier than treating a problem.

Insuring your Saint Bernese puppy as soon as “pawssible” is essential for preventing high vet care costs. Start comparing insurance plans from leading insurers like Healthy Paws and Embrace and save over $270 a year.

Brushes for Saint Bernese
Pin Brush
Pin Brush
Nail Clipper
Nail Clipper
Brushing Frequency
fur daily fur weekly fur monthly
Saint Bernese requires daily brushing
Daily Weekly Monthly

Saint Bernese Temperament

These huge lovable dogs have a mellow personality and are known for their are calm, trustworthy and affectionate ways. Incredibly loyal, they make ideal companions and family dogs. They are patient and tolerant of small children, and love playing with them or watching out for them as they will be their protectors. These gentle giants are smart dogs, but can be a little stubborn at times. Keeping training fun, and keep the sessions short so your dog doesn't become bored and lose their focus. Like most dogs, they respond well to praise and the occasional treat. Don't be too generous with the treats though, as they can put on weight easily which can lead to health problems. This is an ideal dog to accompany you on a walk for even when you go cycling, they will lope alongside you although they may want to stop and explore at times. Saint Bernese puppies are the cutest bundles of cuddles, but during their growth phase be careful not to over exercise them until their bones are stronger. They take a while to mature so they seem to puppies for longer than most dogs. But this only makes the Saint Bernese even more adorable to their owners. Treat stubbornness with patience and try using positive reinforcement to get past it. These dogs are adaptable to most climates except the extreme heat. Apartment living is not for them as their size can be overwhelming in a small space, but they are at home in a house with a yard big enough for them to explore and play in. The Saint Bernese is not an aggressive dog although their sheer size may be enough to deter any prowlers. Quiet, thoughtful, yet kind of goofy at times - this gentle dog relishes time with the family and will be a loyal and devoted companion.

Saint Bernese Activity Requirements

The Saint Bernese is an active dog who will enjoy a daily walk or trot beside you as you run. They are not hyperactive, but still like plenty to do each day. These mild mannered pooches also enjoy time meeting their friends in the dog park, and it is a great way to socialise them to accept other people and dogs. At home they enjoy games and are gentle with children although their size can bowl over little ones unintentionally at times so supervise playtime carefully. These dogs are perfect for active families and they love to be part of tramping or exploring the countryside. They respond well to training but do have a stubborn streak to be aware of. The Saint Bernese is not an apartment dog, they take up way too much room and need a lot of space to exercise in. They are far better suited to a house with a large fenced yard. The Saint Bernese is an intelligent dog who loves to please, so keep them busy, take them for walks and they will happily snooze at your feet in the evenings.
Activity Level
low activity medium activity high activity
Low Medium High
Rec. Walk Mileage Per Week
12 miles
walk mileage
Minutes of Activity Per Day
60 minutes
activity minutes

Saint Bernese Food Consumption

Cups Per Day
3.5 cups
cup per day cost cup per day cost cup per day cost
Daily Cost
$2.75 - $3.00
food bowls daily cost
Monthly Cost
$80.00 - $90.00
food bag monthly cost

Saint Bernese Height & Weight

6 Months
Male Saint Bernese size stats at six months
Height: 15.5 inches Weight: 42.5 lbs
Female Saint Bernese size stats at six months
Height: 13.5 inches Weight: 35.0 lbs
12 Months
Male Saint Bernese size stats at 12 months
Height: 21.0 inches Weight: 100.0 lbs
Female Saint Bernese size stats at 12 months
Height: 19.0 inches Weight: 90.0 lbs
18 Months
Male Saint Bernese size stats at 18 months
Height: 31.5 inches Weight: 150.0 lbs
Female Saint Bernese size stats at 18 months
Height: 29.0 inches Weight: 141.0 lbs

Saint Bernese Owner Experiences

4 Months
2 People
House & Yard
Learn a new trick
First couple weeks he was VERY mouthy and nipped a lot! Confidence is through the roof and he also is very vocal and gives us "sass" when he doesn't get his way or doesn't understand a new command. After a couple weeks he already eased off on the biting. He loves learning commands, he now knows "sit, stay, wait, place, crate, bow, and heel". SO friendly with people and loves every dog we meet. He gets brushed every day. At 4 months he weighs 42lbs. Absolutely adore him and his spanking personality
2 years, 11 months ago
Bausy Boy
11 Months
2 People
Bausy (from Scottish parlance for big clumsy animal) is the best,most loving dog we’ve ever owned. He’s nearly 120 pounds of goofy, playful, intelligence! We couldn’t ask for a better dog, although even though he understands and can execute every command, sometimes he’s stubborn and we can end up with a battle of wills! His feelings are often easily hurt, too. So it’s best to correct by redirecting rather than scolding. Beautiful dogs with a very loving nature. Highly recommended, even though they can be goofy and whimsical.
3 years, 2 months ago
10 Months
4 People
House & Yard
Car ride
This dog is so much more stubborn than we wanted. She is also a giant ball of bull in a China shop when she gets excited. But she is perfect for our family. We have a 4yr old and a 1.5yr old and they could lay on her all day and she wouldn't move. She is so gentle with them. She sheds like.....insane but she doesn't mind being brushed so thank god I don't have to hold her down. She hates having her nails trimmed and finally has settled at the groomers enough that no one has to be there with the groomer to help. She loves to be part of whatever we are doing and is happy as long as she is with us. We love her!!
3 years, 5 months ago
8 Months
2 People
House & Yard
Road trip
Car Riding
We love our baby bear! He is 8.5 months old, sitting at 110 lbs (he grew SO fast). He has a gorgeous trifecta coat almost exactly as a BMD. Our boy is a very happy, friendly, and energetic puppy. When I say energetic, I mean that this dude gets the ZOOMIES, he runs around my little cottage house like a horse in and out of every room 12 times, it's humorous. He gets SO excited to be with us that he likes to slip out the front door and circle the car with hopes of coming with us. He follows me absolutely everywhere, including the bathroom. He loves laying on my feet while I cook as well. There is no doubt in my mind that he would ever hurt a fly, however, his size can be painful itself. I've been knocked over plenty of times with his excitement. I have noticed some stubbornness from him, mostly when I am telling him to come back inside from playing in the yard. I will say some of the stubbornness is decreasing with time though. He is SO MOUTHY, he loves to have our hands or arms sitting in his mouth. He isn't biting, just holding our hands. Apparently that is a very common trait, both his mother and father have. I took the positive reinforcement approach to training him, as recommended, and I feel as though it isn't quite enough. I end up rolling up a newspaper and popping him or a surface to startle him every now and then, but generally I stay patient and calmly tell him demands then love on him tons when he listens. As far as health and grooming, He has had a couple of allergy issues on his skin. We live in Louisiana so it's pretty hot for him and we limit his outdoor time but he tends to get irritated hot spots. I am no vet, but I rub coconut oil on his spots and it has worked every time. I also catch it pretty quickly because I groom him and check his body while playing at least 2-3 times a week! Last thing, the dude loves sticks, he has tried to bring branches in the house countless times.
5 years, 3 months ago
3 Years
2 People
House & Yard
I got mine from a woman who breed the two, was trying to sell and when people weren’t buying them, was going to bring to the pound. Daphne was 4 mounths old when I got her. I had a Bernese mtn dog at home and I had lost her mom a couple of months earlier. Daphne and Atty were instant family with each other. Sadly, I lost Atty last August and it’s been only Daphne since. She is the most lovable dog you can meet. She goes to work with me every day and is as happy as can be as long as she’s with me.
6 years, 10 months ago
Mya Lu
2 Years
2 People
House & Yard
This breed is the best combination of both breeds. She is active, silly, and just loves life and everything about it! She is very social and loves meeting people and other animals. She is always happy. We have 6 grandchildren and she is so gentle and sweet with all of them.
6 years ago
11 Weeks
4 People
House & Yard
He is an amazing puppy loves to be playful outside and also loves being cuddled on the couch and relaxing.
5 years, 7 months ago
9 Years
2 People
Ginger is a very smart, sensitive, expressive, loyal and intuitive soul. She loves people...after getting to know them for a few minutes. Except for the excessive shedding, she is the best dog We have had!
5 years, 6 months ago
6 Months
2 People
House & Yard
Beaux has been amazing. He has been the easiest dog to train. I have two older dogs and he has been great with them. He is shy with new people and very protective already. Super playful but also cuddly and lazy at times. He is very sensitive so he doesn’t like to get in trouble which has worked out good for me lol
5 years, 3 months ago
1 Year
2 People
House & Yard
A gentle giant, rolling thunder, car ride lover
5 years, 1 month ago
3 Years
2 People
Cuddling some more
learning tricks
Dog Parks
Penny is without a doubt, the perfect dog. She is an excellent companion, just as happy to go out with you or curl up on the couch and watch a movie together. She is stubborn and independent, but also a people pleaser. Not always the easiest to train, but only because she has a mind of her own. She loves people and "understands" children even though we don't have any. She'll lean into any adult and beg for pets, but has never pushed a child around. Unlike what it says here, she's a great apartment dog. Might not do well on a really small unit (she IS big), but she seems to be very happy in our 3bdrm place. I'm really not doing my girl justice here. There's nothing like the feeling of being greeted at the door after a long day by the biggest, goofiest, most loving (and loved) ball of fur. Or having her hop on the bed and cuddle up together at night. She does shed quite a bit, and drool a lot, but a little mess is more than worth the love and joy she has brought into our home
5 years ago
18 Months
2 People
House & Yard
Chewing on Bones
Some more cuddling
Long walks in the woods
Loves cold weather and snow
Chief is a bit of a mutt but Bernese Mountain dog and Saint Bernard are his most dominant breeds. He's a gentle, sensitive, affectionate and lovable soul. He loves everyone and everything. Gets along well with our cats although he finds it hard to leave them alone. Has always been very calm, even when he was a puppy. He's very energetic outdoors but a complete couch-potato indoors. Loves to cuddle and hugs. Dislikes being alone. He's very intelligent but can be incredibly stubborn. Can take time to teach him new tricks since he has that "What's in it for me?" attitude. Took a long time for him to learn recall (or more like not to ignore me) but he's made major improvements. If he finds something interesting outdoors however it can be very hard to get his attention. He's still very eager to please, you just have to be very consistent. Positive reinforcement is a must as he is very sensitive. We live out in the woods where he can roam around freely without a leash. He walks well with a leash too but I only use it occasionally while training. He loves exploring and run around in the woods. He often picks up trees and large sticks as he's rather obsessed with them. Thrives in snowy cold weather. Has a crazy good nose and loves to sniff everything. Could possibly become an excellent tracker. I often bury treats in deep snow so he can search for them and dig em up. He loves it, and is incredibly good at it. He doesn't require a whole lot of exercise. He's energetic but lacks tons of stamina, so a good 30 minute walk is usually all he needs. After 60 minute walks he spends the rest of the day sleeping, more or less. He's fine with shorter walks provided he gets plenty of mental stimulation. He craves tons of affection and often leans in on people. He can be very clingy and has gotten incredibly attached to me which is a common trait with Bernese Mountain dogs. They get very close to one particular family member. He still loves everyone who visits us and gives them tons of love. He's very very sensitive and if I'm sick or feeling down he refuses to leave my side. He picks up on how you're feeling very quickly. He has an incredibly soft mouth too. He's extremely careful when you give him treats. You have to teach a lot of dogs to do that nicely but he's just a natural at that. As for health issues there has barely been anything. He's had a few problems with itchy ears but I just have to make sure to clean them regularly. He doesn't shed very much (except for seasonal shedding), and doesn't drool a whole lot either. I brush him once a week and his coat looks great. He's my best friend and wouldn't trade him for the world. He's an incredible dog.
5 years ago
6 Months
3 People
He loves to lay around and chill out. Loves too cuddle!
4 years, 5 months ago
3 Years
3 People
Jett is an amazing part of our family!She is very gentle and calm and is fiercely protective of my 9 yr old. She loves kisses and hugs and continuous pets!! She is well trained and very smart! We love her so very much!!
4 years, 4 months ago
6 Years
3 People
House & Yard
Eating Snacks
Watching over baby
We adopted our boy at 4 years old. He's a big, slobbery, clutz but we wouldn't trade him for the world! A great protector of our little dogs and our toddler.
4 years, 4 months ago
10 Years
3 People
House & Yard
She was a bit tough to house train, but other than that, and chewed everything that wasn't nailed down as a pup, but couldn't ask for a better dog. Out son was 3 when we got her, and we had an attitude ridden jerk cat, and a cat with serious PTST. My son crawled over her, played with her while she ate, no problems or concerns. She tolerated the jerk cat with occasional head bumps to put him in his place, and she bonded with PTSD kitty and they were best of friends until kitty died. Gentle, kind, protective by standing between her people and the unknown rather than showing any signs of aggression. We just put her down and when we are ready we will seek another.
3 years, 8 months ago
6 Months
2 People
House & Yard
Just getting through puppyhood. Rusty loves car rides but won’t get into the car on his own. He wolfe’s his food down in seconds and is growing like a weed. We say he has giraffe legs. He is very loving.
3 years, 6 months ago
Animal Expert Question Icon
Question - Behavior

We have two St Bernese puppies from same litter. They are very energetic in the morning and tend to wrestle each other and nip at each other. Is the behaviour acceptable or will in encourage the dogs to become aggressive?

Animal Expert Question Icon
Question - Other

Hello, Compared to a normal Bernese mountain dog, which is, sadly enough, usually hard hit when it comes to diseases, how many diseases does a Saint Bernese face? And is it often diagnosed?

Book me a walkiee?
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