Spanish Water Dog Breed Maintenance
The Spanish Water Dog needs little maintenance for its coat, which should never be brushed. As the name suggests, some Spanish Water Dogs love the water, and their coats and skin can handle frequent contact with the water. Even though this dog is not known to have a doggy “odor” water and debris can become trapped in the coat and you may have to bathe the Spanish Water Dog. Always towel blot the coat and never towel dry or rub the coat. If the Spanish Water Dog’s coat has knots or mats, work on removing them with your fingers from the top down. At least once a year, you should shear the Spanish Water Dog. Historically, Spanish Water Dog’s coats were sheared at the same time as the sheep. As the hair begins to grow out, you must assist the cording as to prevent matting at the skin. The Spanish Water Dog is a very active breed and requires daily exercise. However, if given enough exercise, this breed relaxes very easily indoors and makes for a good apartment or urban living dog. The history and skills of this breed demonstrate its versatility, and when it comes to climates, the Spanish Water Dog is very flexible. The Spanish Water Dog is a medium-sized dog, which means he should have between 1.5 and 2 cups of dry food divided into two meals daily. The amount of food you feed your dog will depend on his size, age, metabolism, and activity levels. Always pay close attention to your dog’s nutritional health and adjust as needed to help prevent illness and disease.
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