In extremely small doses, the chemicals found in chamomile can sometimes be administered to cats in order to treat health conditions. If the raw unprocessed plant is ingested, however, the concentration of these toxins can cause serious health problems. It is important that owners note the order in which the symptoms appear and their rate of progression, as this can help later when a veterinary professional is attempting to diagnose the problem.
After consuming the chamomile plant material, the cat will typically begin to exhibit signs of nausea and indigestion. This will become visible to the animal's owners as it rejects food, isolates itself and becomes sensitive to being touched, perhaps even reacting violently. After a short while, the cat will begin to vomit as its body attempts to expel the chamomile substances from the digestive system. Although seemingly a minor symptom, vomiting can lead to more serious consequences as the cat begins to lose copious amounts of fluids. In conjunction with the other symptoms, vomiting can lead to dehydration. To prevent this, owners should make additional water available for the cat to drink as the illness continues.
In a further attempt to get the ground apple out of its system, the cat will also start to lose control over its bowels. Although an effective measure that will help empty out the contents of the digestive tract, diarrhea causes the cat to lose a large quantity of liquid in a very short space of time. In an animal as small as a cat, this can quickly lead to serious levels of dehydration, especially when it has already been losing fluids because of vomiting. For this reason, owners should keep a close eye on their pet for signs of dehydration and seek medical attention if they manifest. As with vomiting, it is also advisable to make extra fluids available for the cat to drink, as this will help immensely with keeping them properly hydrated.
Oral Irritation
A slightly more specific sign of chamomile poisoning is irritation of the mouth. Owners will typically first notice this taking the form of excess salivation, as the cat tries to flush the toxins from its mouth. This can either look like simple drooling or it can make the cat appear as if it is foaming at the mouth. Obviously, this continued drooling can be a minor cause of fluid loss, so owners should keep a lookout for the signs of dehydration. The irritation will also cause swelling and redness on the nose and lips of varying severity depending on the amount of chamomile that has been consumed. The cat might also rub its face with its paws in an attempt to rub the irritants away.
Touching the ground apple plant can also cause a rash to break out at the site of contact. This will normally cause a patch of red, itchy skin to appear and can only be positively identified via direct inspection of the cat's skin. The animal may also start to scratch the affected area repeatedly, giving a clue as to the duration and degree of the irritation.