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- Itchiness in Cats
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- Excessive scratching
- Excessive licking
- Biting or chewing at one or more spots
- Alopecia or hair loss
- Red or inflamed skin
- Bumps or blisters on the skin
- Self-inflicted wounds or sores
- Open sores
- Pus or oozing from the skin
- Greasy coat
- Excessive dander
- Matted fur
- Behavioral changes, like depression
- Skin parasites
- Fleas
- Lice
- Ticks
- Mites
- Scabies
- Allergies
- Flea bites
- Food or food additives
- Environmental causes (dust, pollen, etc.)
- Neurological disorders
- Strong emotional reactions
- Bacterial infections
- Yeast or other fungal infection
- Folliculitis
- Immune disorders
- Dry skin
- Poor nutrition
- Feline miliary dermatitis
- Certain cancers
Worried about the cost of treating your pet's symptoms?
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