Rose Allergy in Cats

What is Rose Allergy?

Other “roses” that can cause problems include the Christmas rose, desert rose, moss rose, primrose, rosebay, and rose of Sharon.  Each of these roses contains toxins and produce allergens that can cause your cat harm. When you are doing landscaping or adding indoor flowers to your home, be sure to thoroughly research the plants you are considering. 

An allergic reaction occurs when your cat’s immune system identifies an allergen within the body and it goes on the offensive. The immune system begins attacking not only the allergen, but itself as well.

While roses are not toxic to cats, they can be dangerous if your cat plays with the rosebush and the thorns scratch their face or eyes. If they eat the stems or leaves, your cat could end up with slight gastrointestinal upset. Other plants or flowers that have the word rose in their name, however, could be potentially dangerous or cause severe allergic reactions.

Symptoms of Rose Allergy in Cats

If your cat exhibits any signs of having an allergic reaction, seek veterinary help. Even if the symptoms are mild, your cat may require treatment from a veterinarian. When it comes to an allergic reaction do not wait to see if your cat gets better. 

Mild symptoms of ingesting stems or leaves of a rose:

  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Stomach pain
  • Refusal to eat

Symptoms of toxicity or allergies to other types of roses include:

  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Hypersalivation
  • Coma
  • Depression
  • Hypotension
  • Weakness
  • Cardiovascular collapse
  • Anaphylaxis
  • Weak heart rate
  • Loss of coordination
  • Death

Causes of Rose Allergy in Cats

While the typical rose does not generally cause allergies, it can make your cat sick if it ingests the stems or leaves. It is recommended that you keep your roses out of the reach of your cat. If you have rosebushes outside, try to deter your cat from going near them. 

Other flowers and plants that have rose in their name can cause serious allergic reactions and/or be toxic to your cat. Research your plants thoroughly before planting in your yard or bringing into your home. 

The pollen of some of these plants with rose in the name will cause severe allergic reactions in your cat. Allergic reactions to can happen to any cat at any age, even cats that have been seemingly healthy their entire lives can develop allergies later in life.

Diagnosis of Rose Allergy in Cats

Be sure to give your veterinarian as complete of a medical history on your cat as possible. Your veterinarian will also ask you questions regarding your cat’s environment and diet and if any changes have occurred recently. Food allergies will need to be ruled out quickly so your veterinarian can focus on any environmental allergens that will be causing your cat problems. 

Your veterinarian will begin a physical examination by taking your cat’s temperature as well as examining any skin irritation that is visible. A skin scraping may be taken to rule out external parasites and mites. A complete blood count, urinalysis and biochemistry panel will probably be ordered. A fecal exam may also be done to eliminate the possibility of internal parasites. Blood and/or saliva allergy tests may also be conducting to try and find the exact allergen that is triggering the reaction in your cat.

Treatment of Rose Allergy in Cats

Your veterinarian will discuss different treatment options with you. They will begin by treating the symptoms and making sure that your cat is comfortable, this can be accomplished by prescribing an antihistamine and a corticosteroid. Anti-inflammatory medications may also be prescribed. 

If the allergic reaction is mild, your veterinarian may just opt to closely monitor your cat rather than give medical treatments. The symptoms should dissipate on their own within a few hours to a few days. 

Allergic reactions that are more severe will require medications and veterinary assistance. Steroid injections may be necessary to stop the reaction. Anti-itch creams may be given to soothe your cat. If the dermal irritation is too intense for your cat a medicated bath may give them some relief. 

In some instances your veterinarian may recommend desensitization to reprogram your cat’s immune system. Small amounts of the allergen are introduced to your cat’s immune system and this will allow their immune system to recognize the allergen and not attack it.

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Recovery of Rose Allergy in Cats

Once you are aware of your cat’s allergy to roses or other plants with rose in their name, you can be more careful with having such plants and flowers in your yard and home. Your cat may need to be on continual allergy medication or just need seasonal medications. Speak with your veterinarian regarding additional care past the initial allergic reaction.

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