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- Obvious malformation of the spine - cavity or swelling can be felt or there is dimpling of the skin where malformation occurs
- Limping, specifically a hopping gait in back legs
- Weakness in back legs, unsteady gait
- Urinary incontinence
- Fecal incontinence
- Neurological signs, such as seizure or paralysis
- Buildup of fluid in spine resulting in swelling and infection
- Sacrocaudal dysgenesis: shortened spine producing taillessness in cats
- Spina bifida occulta: a subclinical condition with incomplete formation of vertebral arches
- Spina bifida manifesta: describes spina bifida that results in central nervous system symptoms
- Spina bifida cystic: occurs when there is herniation of the membrane covering the spinal cord, usually resulting in severe symptoms (Meningomyelocele).
- Spina bifida aperta: characterized by a gap in the vertebra which allows the spinal cord to be exposed to the skin surface.
- Meningeal dysplasia: used to describe the condition when the tissue around the spinal chord forms abnormally
- Spinal cord dysplasia: describes a malformed spinal cord
- A dominant autosomal gene present in Manx cats (sacrocaudal dysgenesis)
- Mutation or damage to a gene of a non-tailless cat
- Exposure to toxins in pregnant queens or nutritional deficiency may also play a role
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