As long as wax leaf poisoning is diagnosed and treated quickly, recovery and prognosis for mild cases is usually good or excellent following treatment. Mild cases usually resolve within 24 hours. For severe cases of wax leaf poisoning, the prognosis may be more guarded based on the severity of symptoms.
Follow-up appointments will not usually be necessary for mild cases of wax leaf poisoning. For more severe cases, your vet may schedule follow-up appointments as needed following treatment. During these appointments, your vet may conduct an ECG to monitor heart function, or other tests based on symptoms.
Since the wax leaf is a shrub, it is very likely your cat will have come across the wax leaf during outdoor activity. It may be a good idea to monitor or reduce your cat’s outdoor activity to ensure they do not become poisoned again. If the wax leaf is a shrub in your own lawn or garden, removing it may be the best way to reduce the risk of poisoning.