My pet has the following symptoms:
Post Op Left Tplo, Bone Infection
We adopted our dog, Dave, as a pup from a rescue. He is a Lab/Great Dane (?) mix, weighs about 75 pounds and will be 5-years-old at the end of this year. Several months ago, he began limping on his RIGHT hind leg. We thought maybe he had strained it playing with his dog-brother and watched it for a few weeks. He did not improve, so our vet evaluated him and said he had torn the ligament and needed TPLO. Scheduled him for surgery and just prior to it, he began having difficulty with his LEFT hind leg and could barely walk. Vet checked him again and, sure enough, he had torn the LEFT ligament and it was actually worse than the RIGHT. So she did TPLO on the LEFT leg first. Well, I felt sorry for him and bought an inflatable donut collar for him instead of using a cone and he removed all of his staples while we slept. Took him into Vet and she said it actually looked clean and was healing well (specifically, the wound did not open when he pulled the staples), put more staples in and he continued his recovery. He was doing very well...lifting his RIGHT leg to urinate while standing on his operated LEFT...squatting to defecate...showing signs of wanting to play, etc. But about two weeks ago, he starting limping and walking funny on the LEFT leg again, so we took him in to have her check him. She said she thought he was fine, but needed to x-ray his leg, but couldn't until she got back from her 2-week vacation. He went for his x-ray today and she thinks he has an infection in the bone at the surgical site. After a lot of discussion, we decided she will remove his hardware next week (first available) and send a culture for identification of the infection. Will treat and clean it while she is in there.
I'm very concerned about a couple of things and plan to call her tomorrow with my questions, but would like some input here. First, I'm concerned he may lose his leg. Second, we discussed starting him on an antibiotic today, but she said that might prevent her from getting a good culture from the bone while she's doing the surgery to remove the hardware. Third, the fact that he has had the infection for at least 3 weeks and his surgery is not scheduled until next week...will the infection become even worse and possibly cause life-threatening complications within another week?
I'm not thrilled with this Vet for several reasons. *One being that she made sure to remind us 3 TIMES today that she is certain this infection wouldn't have developed had we not allowed Dave to remove his staples. *Another being that her clinic is filthy. *Has personal pet dog and cats wondering around EVERYWHERE (surgical suite included) during office ours and has a baby (grandchild?) being carried around the clinic or in a play yard/pen on the floor in the reception area. (I plan to anonymously [hopefully] report the conditions to the state board, but hoped to get Dave settled with surgery before I do.) We are new to this area and have struggled to find a vet we like here. We settled on this one to evaluate his leg injury and thought we'd get through this and then hopefully move on to someone we feet more comfortable with. Also, she is the only vet in our area who does this type of surgery on dogs, so we would have had to deal with her regardless.
Thanks in advance for any info or just for listening.