Dinovite Allergies in Dogs

What are Dinovite Allergies?

Many dogs have simple skin or shedding issues.  This leads pet parents to look for a solution and many find it with Dinovite. Dinovite is a supplement you can add to your dog’s food to provide them the nutrients your dog is not getting from their normal food. While this is a great source for many, there is still the possibility of your dog being allergic to it. In some cases, pet parents get the supplement when they don’t actually need to. This leads to their dog receiving too many vitamins and nutrients which can cause skin issues to develop. If you put your dog on the Dinovite product and he develops allergy like symptoms or if his current symptoms worsen, take him off the Dinovite. Once the product is out of his system, prognosis of a full recovery is good.

Dinovite is a line of dog products that are said to help with many skin related issues. While this product may be an excellent supplement source for dogs, some may be allergic to it or other products of a similar type.  If you think your dog may be allergic to Dinovite, discuss it with your veterinarian.

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Symptoms of Dinovite Allergies in Dogs

Types of food related allergy include your dog possibly developing any or all of the following symptoms

  • Runny nose
  • Runny eyes
  • Itchy skin
  • Dry, flaky skin
  • Poor skin conditions
  • Poor hair coat
  • Hair loss
  • Bumps/rash 
  • Hives
  • Chronic ear infections
  • Obsessive licking/chewing of feet
  • Inflamed, red paw pads
  • Gastrointestinal upset

While Dinovite is a supplement meant to correct these symptoms, it may cause current symptoms to worsen in your dog if he is allergic to the Dinovite product.


Dinovite is a supplement you can add to your dog’s food as a form of nutrients and vitamins. Dinovite also produces treats and other supplements for your canine.  Depending on what ingredient your dog is allergic to, you may or may not be able to give him any of the Dinovite products. Dinovite also produces a line of shampoos your dog may or may not be allergic to. In addition to doing your own homework on the product, discuss your pet’s allergy history with your veterinarian if you have any questions about trying a Dinovite product.

Causes of Dinovite Allergies in Dogs

If your dog has allergies, it is his body’s way of protecting itself from something it thinks will harm it.  While the item in question is actually harmless, the body doesn’t recognize it as such. The body finds it dangerous and mounts a protective response to the threat. Your dog’s body produces an immune response to the allergen ingredient.  This allergic response may develop quickly or may develop over a period of years. Many food-related allergies happen after the dog suffers from an infection involving the stomach or intestines.  

Depending on what your dog’s diet is, he may not need the extra supplements Dinovite provides. If this is the case, giving Dinovite will provide him with too much of a good thing and can possibly lead to an imbalance and cause some or all of the allergic symptoms listed above.

Diagnosis of Dinovite Allergies in Dogs

When you first arrive at the veterinary clinic, the veterinarian will start with a physical examination of your pet. This will allow her to take note of all your dog’s symptoms. If your dog’s skin is irritated, the veterinarian may take a skin scraping to check for external parasites or bacterial overgrowth.  If your dog has watery eyes, the veterinarian may perform fluorescein staining to check for a scratch on the eye that could possibly cause the watering.  

Blood work will be performed to give the veterinarian a closer look as to how the internal organs are functioning and to rule out other possible causes of his symptoms. A complete blood count (CBC) and chemistry panel will provide the veterinarian with needed information for proper assessment. If your veterinarian feels it is necessary, she may also perform a urinalysis for further evaluation of kidney function.  

Bicom testing is another method of determining a Dinovite related allergy in your dog. Bicom testing is also known as bioresonance. The veterinarian will take a blood sample from your dog and test different food items and substances to see if there is a ‘good’, ‘neutral’ or ‘bad’ response. If the response is ‘bad’, the item being tested causes your dog’s blood wavelength to become stressed.  Stressed blood leads to a stressed body and therefore an allergic reaction. If the response is ‘good’, then the item puts out a wavelength that is compatible with your dog’s blood which means no adverse reactions should occur. If it is ‘neutral’, the item being tested does not put out a wavelength that alters that of your dog. Bicom testing is not commonly seen in veterinary practices because it is considered an ‘alternative’ medicine.   

As you can see, when it comes to diagnosis of allergies to Dinovite in dogs there are very few diagnostic tests you can run. If you notice your dog developed allergy symptoms after giving him Dinovite, do not give him any more for at least 30 days to see if his symptoms stop. Allergy symptoms may develop after eating only one meal with the Dinovite product or symptoms may develop after eating it for months.

Treatment of Dinovite Allergies in Dogs

Removal of the Source

Though medication to help with the itching your dog may be suffering from will be prescribed, this medication may only help for a while. If you do not cease the use of the Dinovite product you will not remove the source of the itching. This will result in the continued long-term use of the prescription, and this may mean the dose will need to be increased as time goes on.  

Treating Infection

Removing the allergen completely will also help avoid chronic infections. If your pet does have a secondary skin infection due to allergies, the veterinarian will prescribe medications to alleviate the discomfort and a shampoo or salve to lessen irritation and inflammation.

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Recovery of Dinovite Allergies in Dogs

While it may be a long process, if you are able to discover the actual ingredient your dog is allergic to, you may or may not be able to continue to give him Dinovite supplements. Once you discover the exact allergen causing issues in your dog and remove it from his diet, all of his allergy symptoms should stop. While there have not been any cases of death from an allergy to Dinovite or a similar product, the longer your dog is eating a food that weakens his immune system, the higher the chances he may develop a more serious secondary infection. Once the allergen is removed, your dog’s immune system will return to its full strength and your dog will be at his healthiest again.

Dinovite Allergies Average Cost

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Dinovite Allergies Questions and Advice from Veterinary Professionals

Mastiff Mix

Nine Years

21 found this helpful

21 found this helpful

My pet has the following symptoms:
Licking And Flaking Skin
We have had problems with Moose's skin for a very long time. He gets cyctopoint injections once a month and we have recently (60 days) switched him to a fresh diet. However, he continues to scratch and lick and his skin is still flaky and dry. My husband ordered Dinovite. Moose is about 10 days in. However, it does not seem to be working. He continues to lick and scratch. Do you think there is an allergic reaction? We have tried everything.

Aug. 4, 2020

Answered by Jessica N. DVM

21 Recommendations

Hello- I'm very sorry you are dealing with chronic skin issues. Unfortunately for some pets they are very difficult to manage despite the best of care. If you haven't tried it I would recommend adding in apoquel for your pet (you can talk with your veterinarian about it), make sure he is on an appropriate flea preventive, and consider a hydrolyzed protein diet trial if you haven't tried that yet. With the diet trial you will feed a specific diet only (no treats or flavored meds) for 12 weeks to see if the skin is improved. If it is your pet likely has a food allergy in addition to environmental allergies. Other things to check or add in would be a fatty acid supplement, consider having his thyroid checked as hypothyroidism can contribute to skin disease and if all else fails you can try a lose dose of steroids for the itching. Another good idea to consider would be to schedule an appointment with a veterinary dermatologist as they can perform allergy testing to see what he is allergic to. They do have allergy shots for dogs as a treatment option.

Aug. 4, 2020

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Australian Cattle Dog

Eight Years

5 found this helpful

5 found this helpful

My pet has the following symptoms:
I took my dog to the vet because he was vomiting and after they did a blood test they found high liver numbers and pancreatitis. I’ve been giving him Dinovite and am wondering if dinovite could cause elevated liver numbers?

July 28, 2020

Answered by Dr. Michele K. DVM

5 Recommendations

Thank you for your question. I am not familiar with that product, Dinovite. It definitely is something to discuss with your veterinarian, however. It would be a good idea to take that product to them, so that they can see the ingredients, and see if there is anything in that product that would cause any kind of liver enzyme elevation. I hope that your dog recovers and is feeling better soon.

July 28, 2020

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