Swollen Face in Dogs
Written By Grace Park
Published: 04/26/2017Updated: 04/28/2021
Veterinary reviewed by Michele K.
Swollen Face in Dogs - Signs, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment, Recovery, Management, Cost
What is Swollen Face?
While the definition for swollen face in dogs is quite simple, the potential reasons for this problem certainly are not. The swollen areas noted on your doggy family member may be of various sizes and shapes, waxing and waning under a variety of conditions, or, they may have developed suddenly or gradually over a period of time and they may or may not be symmetrical (the same size and location on each side of the face, head or muzzle).  Regardless of the circumstances of their appearance, they are all something which need the attention of your veterinary professional.
Swollen face in dogs is, quite simply, an enlargement or edema of a portion of the face, eyes, ears, head or muzzle of your family pet, which may or may not be symmetrical.
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Symptoms of Swollen Face in Dogs
The signs of the various potential causes are similar in a very general way.  Here are some of the signs you might see to accompany the swollen face in your dog:
  • Small bumps or hives, sometimes with hair standing up in that area
  • Itchiness
  • Swelling especially around the eyes and on muzzle
  • Swelling around the eyes which sometimes closes the eye(s)
  • Swelling in the jaw and throat area
Sometimes the swelling, especially in the muzzle, jaw and throat areas, can result in the closing off of the windpipe, causing an emergency situation for your dog.
The types of swollen face in dogs relate to the ways in which the swelling can occur:
  • Trauma - Including blunt trauma and penetrating injuries
  • Allergies - Includes food allergies and insect bites (spiders, wasps, etc) as well as environmental and household allergens (household cleaners, carpet cleaners, air fresheners, etc) and mold and pollen
  • Dental issues - Includes cavities, tooth damages, bone fractures, etc
  • Cancers and tumors and other systemic involvement
  • Lymph node involvement - Swelling of various lymph nodes in the facial area as a result of multiple factors
Causes of Swollen Face in Dogs
  • Trauma - This swelling comes in the form of fluid buildup from external traumas like being kicked, bumped, hit by a car and from penetrating wounds like animal bites, punctures from sticks and other sharp objects; frequently, bacterial infections can develop from penetrating wounds
  • Allergies - These include allergic reactions to insect bites, sting, vaccinations and various medications
  • Salivary gland swelling - This is mucus-like salivary fluid buildup
  • Abscesses - Just like we humans, dogs and cats are also prone to dental root abscesses which will result in swelling in the facial area of the afflicted animal
  • Cancer and other benign growths of tissue - Cancer is possible in your beloved canine family member too - and, just like in humans, some tumors will be malignant while others can be benign
  • Lymphatic obstructions - The lymph system needs to be open and flowing to work; obstructions in those pathways can cause fluid to accumulate anywhere in the body, especially in the face of your dog
  • Parasitic infestations - This cause can include, hookworms,  whipworms, roundworms, heartworms and tapeworms
  • Congestive heart failure - This causes excessive fluid which has built up in the tissues around the heart to infiltrate into surrounding tissues, causing the edema or swelling in the upper body and eventually to the neck, head and face of the afflicted animal
Diagnosis of Swollen Face in Dogs
During the diagnostic process, your veterinary professional will require your complete history on the lifestyle of your canine family member.  This will need to include details on dietary regimen, recent vaccinations (if not done by the treating veterinarian), the locations where the dog may be been (to determine possible insect or parasitic involvement), the signs noted, their severity and duration.  He will also need to know if the swelling was noted to have come on suddenly or was it more gradual in its development?  Be sure to include any unusual behaviors noted and the duration of those behavioral changes.  Your veterinarian will do a physical examination which may include some blood work, urine and fecal samples and perhaps other tissue or fluid samples to be sent to the lab for evaluation and assessment.  
A specimen of fluid from the swollen area may be obtained via needle aspiration and sent to a diagnostic lab.  The veterinarian may order some imaging studies, like radiography (x-ray), CT (computer tomography) imaging or MRI to identify or ascertain the presence of any masses, either felt on examination or suspected. An echocardiogram may be utilized if cardiac issues are present or suspected.  The treatment plan developed by your veterinary professional will be entirely dependent upon the diagnosis found.
Treatment of Swollen Face in Dogs
Treatments for swollen face in dogs, as noted above, can be based solely upon the diagnosis found in the examination and testing, or based on the presumptive diagnosis of an insect bite (a frequent cause) or other allergen.  
  • In the latter situation, your veterinarian will likely begin an allergic-style regimen right away, especially if there is concern that the swelling could interfere with your pet’s ability to breathe  
  • Your veterinarian may initiate a treatment plan which consists of antibiotic treatment of any penetrating or trauma wounds which show infection and inflammation 
  • He may begin an antihistamine regimen if he suspects that your beloved doggy family member is suffering from an allergic reaction of some type  
  • If the reaction is severe, he may also treat your pet with steroids as needed.  
  • If this severe reaction is being treated, you should expect that your pet will be hospitalized for close monitoring, utilization of oxygen, potentially IV administration of corticosteroids and heart and blood pressure monitoring on a 24 hour basis until your pet is stabilized and can safely be returned home
  • If the cause is found to be dental, your pet may be referred to a veterinary professional who specializes in doggy dental procedures unless your veterinarian has the expertise to treat dental issues.
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Recovery of Swollen Face in Dogs
Depending on the cause of the swollen face in your pet, it is reasonable to expect that your canine family member will recover completely from this episode, provided medical care was provided appropriately and in a timely manner for the condition.  It is also reasonable to expect that cautions, suggestions and recommendations for prevention of future episodes will be given as well as at home emergency care recommendations in the event that your pet suffered a severe allergic reaction.  
Swollen Face Questions and Advice from Veterinary Professionals
German Spitz
Ten Years

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1 found this helpful

My pet has the following symptoms:
Face is swollen on left side. Won't eat, paw licking. Runny eyes, sneezing,
Oct. 26, 2020
Answered by Dr. Linda S. MVB MRCVS
1 Recommendations
Hi there, you are through to Dr Linda. I'm sorry to hear thisnis going on with your Spitz. There are numerous possible causes including a tooth root abscess, allergic reaction, tumour etc. Your dog needs to be assessed by a vet to determine the best next step.
Oct. 26, 2020
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Pit Bull
Three Years

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My pet has the following symptoms:
Left Side Of Face Is Swollen After A Fight
He was attacked his ear was injured then next morning the side of his face was swollen
Sept. 29, 2020
Answered by Dr. Michele K. DVM
0 Recommendations
Thank you for your question. Bite wounds from animals can get infected quite quickly and caused a lot of damage. It would be best to take your pet to see a veterinarian as soon as possible, as they will likely need antibiotics and possible therapy. I hope that everything goes well and your pet feels better soon.
Sept. 30, 2020
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0 found this helpful

My pet has the following symptoms:
Swollen Face
Her face is swollen eyes and mouth
Sept. 29, 2020
Answered by Dr. Michele K. DVM
0 Recommendations
Thank you for your question. Your puppy may be having a reaction to something, or she may have a problem with her skin. If the problem is still occurring, it would be best to have her seen by a veterinarian as soon as possible. They will be able to see what might be causing the problem, and get treatment for her.
Sept. 30, 2020
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Ten Years

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0 found this helpful

My pet has the following symptoms:
Side Of Face Swollen
Side of her face is swollen wondering what to do. Hasn’t Eaten anything different or unusual
Sept. 29, 2020
Answered by Dr. Michele K. DVM
0 Recommendations
Thank you for your question. Sometimes, in older dogs, a swollen face on one side can be related to a tooth problem, as the roots of their teeth are very large. Since this is something that just seemed to have happen and it does not getting better, it would be best to have an appointment with her veterinarian to have a look at it. They will be able to examine her, look at her teeth, and see if that is what's causing it. Once they know more about what's happening, they can give you an idea on what needs to happen as far as treatment goes. I hope that all goes well for her.
Oct. 1, 2020
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Australian Shepherd
Five Months

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My pet has the following symptoms:
Swollen Eye, Foaming Mouth
My puppy started having extra saliva (almost foamy) as soon as we got to the dog park. About 2 hours later when at home, both her eyes have become swollen. Just gave her Benadryl but not sure how this happened or why. Any advice ?
Sept. 29, 2020
Answered by Dr. Michele K. DVM
0 Recommendations
Thank you for your question. It is difficult to say what may happen without having been there, but I think it is possible that she licked something that did not taste good on that caused her to have that kind of a reaction. If she improves with the Benadryl, I don't think that you need to worry about it as a long-term problem, and if she does not improve, then I think it would be best to have her seen by a veterinarian. I hope that all goes well for her and she is back to her normal self soon.
Oct. 3, 2020
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14 Years

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My pet has the following symptoms:
Our 14 year old pound puppy started swelling under her eye. Took her to the emergency room, they gave her antibiotics. She now has a huge lump under her left ear, same as the swelling under her eye. She can no longer see out of left eye and swelling is moving to the right side.
Pit bull
2 Years

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0 found this helpful

My pet has the following symptoms:
Swelling In Left Side Of Face,
Swelling:Face & Eye Left Side, Nose
Hi😩 my rainbow fur baby luna is going through things I dont know how to help her with. About 4 days ago,im having a normal day with my kids and fur babies. That evening I notice my Luna isn't really opening her mouth. I go to check her out and her mouth will only open about two inches. The next day the left side of her face started to swell along with her nose. She can eat and drink but last night her left eye also started swelling!! I have no idea what is wrong or what to do. I'm doing the best I can to get her to the vet,but my income is not where is should be AT ALL. If I cant get her to the vet I'm terrified she will suffer untill her suffering is over😩. PLEASE HELP ME HELP HER!!!
French Bulldog
2 Years

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My pet has the following symptoms:
Swollen Gums
Mouth Breathing
Dry Tounge
About 2-3 months ago my boyfriends Stepfather put his little Frenchy in the bike basket and she fell off - landed on her face, her nose and mouth got a bit scraped. Since then she was sad and acting weird for a few days but got better. About a month in she has developed an entirely swollen upper jaw and her tongue is always out because she can’t breath. He has taken her to the vet and they said her jaw was too big and that’s why it’s happening but they didn’t do a culture on her mouth or anything. They didn’t get the tissue from her gums to test or anything which worries me. I looked at her really well today. They were trying to give her a pill and I stepped in because I’ve had dogs my entire life. The opening of her mouth is so small my finger barely fits to push the pill down a bit to hell her swallow it. Her younger is dry and swollen from it consistently being outside of her mouth. I’m worried her windpipe will get so swollen she dies from asphyxiation I asked my boyfriend to please take her to another vet for a second opinion. I believe this is all a cause from the blunt trama she had when she fell from the bike
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