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- Tuberculosis in Dogs
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- Cough – This will be ongoing and not isolated to an incident or ingestion of anything
- Weight loss – The weight loss can go so far as your dog becoming anorexic, this weight loss will have no specific cause
- Vomiting – While it is normal for your dog to vomit occasionally, this will be ongoing with no known cause or cure
- Lethargy – You may notice that your dog is no longer as active as he normally is and needs more rest time than before
- Cachexia – Your dog may present with a decline in his overall health, including many of the symptoms discussed
- Fever – He may have a fever when brought in to the veterinarian
- Leukocytosis – Your veterinarian may find an increase in white blood cells in your dog’s blood work
- Shortness of breath – This may present out of nowhere or slowly over time
- Can be contracted by dogs
- Risk is low of your dog contracting this strain
- Contracted via contact with infected tissue
- Most likely contracted by your dog eating a dead animal that was contaminated with it
- Makes up for 25% of cases
- Comes from humans
- Is easily spread via the air when an infected human coughs or if your dog eats contaminated tissue of any kind
- Accounts for 75% of cases of TB in dogs
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