3 min read

10 Tips To Getting Back Into Shape After Thanksgiving



Ah, Thanksgiving—what’s not to love?

Thanksgiving dinner is one of the most enjoyed meals of the year, and it’s no wonder. With delectable recipes from turkey to mashed potatoes to pumpkin pie, it’s just a yum-fest all around.

Humans aren’t the only ones who like to chow down on delicious dishes at holiday time. In fact, with healthy Thanksgiving recipes for dogs, this special day is one of good food and celebration for everyone!

But with all of the extra goodies to eat and spending time at home hanging out with family, it’s easy to let the dog walks slide and your exercise regimen, too.

Wag! has put together 10 tips for getting back into shape after Thanksgiving, with your trusty pooch by your side, of course! Burn off your dog’s energy and the extra calories consumed on Turkey Day.

So get started and have a ball with your woofer!

Start small

This goes for both you and your canine kid. If you’ve had a few days (or longer) of being sedentary, don’t overwhelm yourself or your doggo with intense exercise first day back in workout mode. Keep it simple and go for a brisk walk. That will get you and your furry companion back in the mood for exercise.

Take the stairs

If you are out walking with your dog post-feast, seek out stairs. See a set to climb to get the soccer field? Include them in your walk. Is the local historical monument in town accessible after climbing stairs to get to the top? Put that destination on your list. Stair climbing is not only good for the legs (yours and your pupster’s), but doing so gives a good cardio workout, too.

Walk in the ocean

Walking surfside is the ideal workout. Walking in the soft sand gives both your and your dog an extra workout and the waves are refreshing on the feet. Walking on sand is low impact, but beware of the temperature of the sand when the sun hits. Hit the shore early in the morning or later in the day for the best time to walk.

Schedule it in

It’s too easy to skip a workout or a walk with your dog by heading into the backyard to watch your pooch wander aimlessly. Schedule your workout at a time that you know you can make it happen, whether it’s best first thing in the morning, or after dinner in the evening.

Play ball

Football is the name of the game on Turkey Day, so be sure to tackle a few games of fetch in the backyard. When your dog runs for the ball, you can do jumping jacks until they return with their catch. It’s a win-win workout for both of you.

Have a plan

Have a planned workout for you and your dog, and you are more likely to make it happen. Keep in mind weather disturbances, too. Pouring rain and gusts of wind in the forecast? After a pee break outside for your pup, have a doga session lined up inside rather than put the exercise session off.

Stay hydrated

Drinking lots of water is key to a good fitness program. This is the rule for both dog and pet parent. If you are planning a hike on a wilderness trail, for example, bring along enough water for two. If you or your pup get dehydrated, it will sap your energy and the off-leash adventure will have to come to an end.

Prep the night before

If your exercise plan is to take place away from home, prepare your bag the night before. That way, there will be nothing stopping you from heading out the door. Items to pack? Water, snacks, your dog’s leash, poop bags, and extra clothes. Bring along your dog’s jacket in case the weather cools or booties for protection from salty road surfaces. If it’s hot where you are, pack sunscreen and a blanket for spreading out under a shady tree after the exercise is done.

Find a buddy

It’s always fun to exercise with a friend, and that goes for your dog, too! If you have a like-minded buddy, share this list with them to motivate them and their best furry companion to workout alongside you and your pooch.

Keep on walking

If your dog is tired out but you are not quite ready for a nap, settle your pup in at home and keep the dog walking happening. Sign up to become a dog walker with Wag! and maintain exercise mode. Not only will you get in shape, but you’ll also help a dog who may be itching for exercise and is lacking the opportunity.

So you see, there are plenty of ways to get back in shape after Thanksgiving, and what better way to do it than with your pooch (or another dog in need!).

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