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The problem is, now that Rex has been bathed, can Mike give him flea treatment right away? The answer depends on your method of flea treatment, but is basically, yes. The trick is that, depending on the method of treatment, you may probably want to completely dry your dog before applying flea treatment so as not to dilute the medication when applied. Some flea treatments suggest waiting for a day to two for natural body oils to return, which may allow for better distribution of some medications and protect your dog's skin from harsh chemicals. However, when fleas are around time may be of the essence!
Your dog is not going to be very happy about having fleas, they are itchy, pesky, critters. You will probably notice your dog scratching, licking and biting at his coat. The sooner you can get rid of them the better. You may need to completely dry your dog before applying the treatment and if his skin is already irritated from fleas, a thorough drying may be even more irritating, so be prepared to be understanding and gentle with your dog.
It is pretty common to discover fleas on your dog during a bath, and then need to apply flea treatment immediately afterward. You have a few options to ensure the effectiveness of the medication. Carefully dry your dog so that medication applied to a damp or wet dog is not diluted, which can reduce its effectiveness, or wait for a day to two until your dog is dry and body oils have returned. You can also choose to use a flea treatment such as oral medication that is not affected by your dog's moisture level.
Remember fleas are pesky, but treatable, and rarely cause serious complications or disease. Clean your dog's bedding and environment as well to prevent reinfestation.
My dog keeps getting fleas! I bathe her with dawn, use a flea comb, then apply the Advantix. They come back with a vengence! Are the fleas immune to the Advantix? What am I doing wrong? Help!!!
Thank you for the question. The Advantix should do the trick so I think the problem may be that there are flea eggs present in the house that may keep hatching. Speak to your vet about the problem; they can give you advice on cleaning the home. It may be that you need an exterminator to thoroughly spray cracks and crevices, under radiators, etc where fleas and eggs land in wait for DD to pass by. Once the fleas are eradicated from the home, the Advantix will have a chance to work. Speak to your vet about the problem first. Good luck!
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we flea medicate him every month, do we need to reapply flea treatment after a bath even if it hasnt been 4 weeks since the last treatment?
Thank you for the inquiry. This is a good question for Frank's vet but as a groomer, my understanding is that you never apply flea treatment before it is due again because it can cause toxicity from too many chemicals. So, no - do not reapply after the bath. All the best and enjoy little Frank!
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Should I give my dog a bath before putting a PetArmor flea collar on him?
My apologies for the delay in reply! You could certainly give him a bath. I am not a vet and also not familiar with flea collars, but be sure to watch out for any reaction to the collar. If Pugsley's skin reacts, or he shows a change in behavior, remove the collar. I do know there is medication available from the vet that repels fleas and ticks without the use of a collar. If you have issues, be sure to consult the vet. All the best!
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Dogs dont sweat