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Annie is a beautiful Rough Collie, with gorgeous sable colored long hair. Annie also likes to get dirty. Like any other dog, she has little consideration for the efforts her owners go to to keep her long flowing locks clean. She will happily roll in dirt to relieve itches or run through tall, wet grass, picking up bugs, vegetation, sand, and dirt as she goes.
Pretty soon Annie will need a bath and her long hair can make that a bit of a challenge. There is, after all, a lot of hair to bathe and when it gets wet it has a tendency to wrap around itself and create a tangled mess if her owners are not careful. Also, drying all that wet hair can be time-consuming. There are some steps and products that Annie’s owners can take to make bathing their long-haired dog a little less of a chore.
Long-haired dog breeds are often not water loving breeds by nature. Although many seem to not mind baths, some are not impressed with having their long hair get wet during bathing. Long wet hair is heavy and does not feel good, and if not dried thoroughly can be itchy afterwards. To prevent your long-haired dog from developing a negative association with bathing, try to be organized and keep bathing sessions as short as possible, provide lots of praise and distractions during bathing, and make sure you dry your dog afterward thoroughly, without overheating or burning skin, which your dog will most certainly not appreciate.