Need regular grooming services?
Wire haired dogs come with a rough-and-tumble look. These dogs tend to look scruffy and may often be mistaken for dirty if they're not cared for and groomed well. Brushing through your dog’s wiry hair will help to keep his coat clean, not too oily, not too dry, and well cared for.
Each time you brush through your wiry-haired dog’s fur, you spread the natural oils on his skin throughout his fur, which gives him a sheen instead of having the dry, wiry appearance. Wire-haired dogs will also have dry skin to go with their dry-looking fur. Be cautious as you brush your wire-haired dog not to scratch him and create dry skin or sensitive irritations. Be sure to always choose the right grooming tools when brushing your wire-haired dog. Some brushes will do really well with the fur but not as well with his skin, while other brushes are gentle on the skin but offer no help with the dry, wiry fur on your dog
Your wire haired dog may or may not be used to regular grooming or brushing sessions. If he's not, he might be a little apprehensive about sitting still for a long time to do the brushing required to get his skin and fur looking great. Your wiry-haired dog may also experience some tangles. Take your first wiry fur grooming session slow, try to keep sessions short, and be sure to offer your dog lots of treats as you work together.
Your wire-haired dog might look scruffy and scraggly. But make him beautiful again with a soft coat that shows his personality by keeping his fur free of static and tangles with a good brushing every day. Maintaining this wire coat does not make your dog high-maintenance, but it does show him how much you love him.