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Floppy dog ears can be challenging to keep clean, as their structure acts to trap, wax, debris, hair, and moisture, a perfect storm for otitis externa, the dreaded ear infection. If your dog has floppy ears, regular cleaning can help prevent a buildup of materials that contribute to infections, and if an infection does develop, you will need to clean your dog's ears to get rid of microorganisms causing inflammation and discomfort as soon, and as thoroughly, as possible before infections cause permanent damage to ear structures.
Your floppy eared dog may not appreciate ear cleaning, as it can be irritating and uncomfortable. Be organized and work quickly but confidently to get your floppy-eared dog to accept ear handling. Be gentle to minimize discomfort. A treat or two probably won't hurt either!
My dog has constant ear infections therefore has greasy ear flaps. I have a degreaser shampoos which I use on her ears when I bathe her to get rid of the gunk build up on her ear flaps. What is the best way to clean the ear flaps between baths to get rid of the accumulated gooey stuff?