How to Clean a Dog's Nose Wrinkles

10 - 15 Minutes
1 Day


Like some humans, some dog breeds are known to be a little more wrinkly than others. This includes breeds like the Pug, the Shar Pei, the Bulldog, and the Bloodhound. Unlike humans, however, these folds can be pretty large and sometimes even pose issues for the dog if not tended to properly. Wrinkles can be breeding grounds for bacteria and infection, so cleaning them thoroughly is an important part of daily maintenance for dogs with wrinkles and folds. While you may be able to get some of the body wrinkles clean with a good bath, cleaning the wrinkles around the face and nose may take a more specific approach.

Dog's Perspective

An infection or irritation in the wrinkles on your dog’s face may present significant discomfort if not addressed quickly. While having these areas cleaned may not be your dog’s favorite activity, it’s a procedure that can be made quick and painless with a little bit of positive reinforcement and plenty of encouragement.

The Petroleum Jelly Method

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Inspect the folds
Before using any product on your dog’s face, lift each of the wrinkles one by one to inspect them for any redness, swelling, bruising, or other irritation. The areas may also have a peculiar odor, which can be indicative of bacteria or a fungus, or the wrinkles may cause your dog to itch or rub his face against objects to try to get relief. Make a note of anything strange and bring it up to your veterinarian.
Use a wet cloth to wipe
Get a small, clean rag and dampen it with a mixture of half water and half of your dog’s shampoo. Run this cloth gently over the skin in between the folds, swiping downwards once or twice to clean the area. Try not to rub too hard or too much, as this can cause irritation.
Use a dry cloth to dry
Once the wrinkles have been wiped down, get another rag or towel that is dry and wipe it over the skin in between folds to dry them off. You can also pat these areas down to prevent rubbing too much or too hard.
Use petroleum jelly on the wrinkles
After you’ve dried the wrinkles, use a cotton swab with a tiny amount of petroleum jelly on it to swab a thin layer of the jelly over the skin in between the wrinkles. The jelly will prevent excess moisture from accumulating in between the wrinkles and will feel nice against the skin.
Finish on a good note
Once you’ve finished the cleaning process, end the maintenance with some play time or a good and tasty treat. You want your dog to associate the cleaning with something good so he learns that it’s not all that bad.
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The Face Wipes Method

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Check the wrinkles for irritation
Begin any cleaning by going wrinkle-by-wrinkle to look for any signs of something amiss. You can catch many indicators of infection or injury by being vigilant and doing a thorough check every day. Address any concerns you may have with a veterinarian before applying medication yourself.
Use the face wipe on each wrinkle
You may use either a dog facial wipes which are specifically for cleaning wrinkles on dogs or you may also use baby wipes that are unscented and hypoallergenic. Use these wipes to wipe underneath each fold of skin and ensure that the skin is clean and free of dirt and debris. You do not need to moisten these wipes any more than they already are.
Dry the skin
After you’ve thoroughly wiped down each fold, then go back with a dry towel to give it a gentle pat down to get rid of any excess moisture. Make sure to dry each wrinkle, as leaving too much water or moisture behind can create ideal conditions for bacteria or an infection.
Check for any remaining moisture
Go through and do another inspection of the wrinkles to make sure there wasn’t anything you missed or any area that is still too wet. It may seem redundant, but your pup will thank you later when he is infection-free and his face is nice and healthy.
Repeat daily for maintenance
Cleaning your dog’s wrinkles should happen every day, though if you’re pressed for time, every other day is okay too. Keep an eye out for warning signs of irritation while also making sure that you offer plenty of encouragement and reinforcement during your cleaning time in order to make sure your dog can sit still throughout.
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Caution & Considerations

  • Never attempt to apply medicated ointment or any other topical treatment to the skin between wrinkles without first consulting a veterinarian. Using medicine made for humans or medicine that has not been prescribed specifically for your dog may do more harm than good.
  • If your dog is hesitant about having his face touched, distract him with a treat or some kind of gooey, edible substance to keep his attention focused on something else while you work on cleaning his face. You may also choose to use a collar or leash to keep him in one spot while you clean.
  • Cleaning wrinkles can be done while you give your dog a proper bath, but should also be cleaned on a daily basis to prevent bacteria build-up in between baths. 
  • Never use rubbing alcohol on your dog’s skin, as this can cause severe drying and cause more issues than it solves.
  • If your dog has recurrent infections even with cleaning, visit a veterinarian to determine the cause. Sometimes this can be indicative of a low immune system or another cause that prevents your dog’s body from fighting off bacteria.


To keep your dog cute and healthy with all those wrinkles, cleaning is a required component of his daily care. Remember that he depends on you to keep him happy and to prevent bacteria build-up in and around his face. The cleaner you can keep those wrinkles, the happier your pup will be to shower you in plenty of wrinkly kisses on a daily basis.

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