How to Clean a Dog's Smelly Ears

10 - 15 Minutes
1 Month


Have you ever been minding your business, getting your chores done around the house when a foul odor suddenly reaches your senses? It’s not the dirty dishes and it’s not the trash can. So what is it? It’s not until your dog walks by that you realize the source. It’s not his fur or his breath that stinks… it’s his ears!

As dog owners, we’re usually used to some interesting smells from our furry friends, but ear odor is not something that is normal. A healthy dog’s ears should give off no odor at all, so it’s important to break out the grooming supplies when you first notice a strange smell.

Dog's Perspective

Your dog may not always enjoy having his ears touched. You can get him used to having his ears handled and cleaned by offering him treats while you pet and run your fingers over them. If he is distracted, he is less likely to have much of an issue with it.

The Spray Method

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Find the right cleanser
While some people may find it better to use at-home remedies to clean their dog’s ears, the best thing to do is to visit the veterinarian or the local pet store to find an entirely dog-safe spray which will not use any harmful chemicals. Your pup’s safety and healthy should be most important.
Take your dog’s ear in hand
It may take some time to warm your pooch up to the thought of you holding his ear, so take some time to familiarize him with the touch and feel. You may want to offer him some treats or something to chew on while you hold it in order to keep him from turning his head.
Watch for discomfort or redness
Take a peek inside the ears and make sure that there is no excessive waxy build-up or redness. If you spy anything that clearly looks wrong, you should consider pausing your ear cleaning and taking a visit to the veterinarian in order to get them professionally cleaned instead. Otherwise, just make sure the ears look pink and free of any obstructions.
Spray the cleanser inside
Put a few light sprays of cleanser into the ear. Larger ears may need a little bit more cleanser than smaller ones. Make sure the cleanser goes into the ear and not just around it. The ear canal can be prone to dirt and build-up, so it’s important to make sure there is enough cleanser. Do not drown the ear in spray, however, as this can cause irritation. There should be just enough for a light coating.
Massage the ear
If your dog has an ear that hangs, let it fall and press your fingers to it, giving a gentle massage. This can help spread the cleanser around to make sure it touches everywhere inside. If your dog has an upright ear, you may want to try to fold it down a little in order to massage the cleanser inside. This can take a little bit of time and patience. Try not to hurt your dog’s ear when you do this. Gentle massages work best!
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The Cloth Method

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Find a soft, clean towel or cloth
Generally, a rag will be okay. Try not to use something that has been used with other chemicals or food. The cleaner the towel is that you use, the better suited it will be to cleaning your dog’s ears. Make sure that the towel is not too abrasive, as this can cause some discomfort.
Spray the cleanser
Give the towel a gentle and light coating of cleanser so that it is damp but not oversaturated. If it’s soaking wet, you may apply too much cleanser to the ear. The best method is to apply the cleanser to one of the corners of the towel in order for it to be easier to use inside the ear.
Apply the cleanser into the ear
With gentle motions, place the towel into the ear. Your dog may take some time getting used to the feeling of having something strange in his ear. If necessary, do this while he is sufficiently distracted or let him smell the towel beforehand. This process should be fairly quick to avoid any unnecessary discomfort or stress.
Avoid going too deep
Never push your finger or any foreign object too deep into the ear canal. This can cause severe damage or injury. Try to avoid things like Q-tips or any longer application method which can go too deep and get lodged into the ear. Just clean the immediately reachable area inside. If you’re concerned about issues that may be deeper inside the ear, consult a veterinarian.
Massage in circles
Use the towel to massage the cleaner into the inside of the ear. Try not to do it too fast or too rough, as it can be annoying or painful to your pup to have something rubbing too roughly inside this sensitive area. Do this for only a minute or two for each ear and let your dog handle the rest. He may shake his head a few times to get rid of the strange sensation.
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Caution & Considerations

  • Smelly ears may be just an inclination of dirt and grime, but can also be a sign of a growing infection. If there is significant redness or yellow buildup in the ear, or the smell is strong, take your pooch to the veterinarian to get him checked out and to get treatment if necessary. 
  • An infection can be painful and may make it more difficult to clean your dog’s ears, so having your vet do the job may be a better option. Make sure to give your vet a heads up if your pup is nervous or stressed and they can take the necessary precautions to avoid being bitten
  • Normal ear cleaning can be done anywhere at home, but particularly nervous dogs will require some patience and some training so you can handle ears safely. 
  • Dogs with long, floppy ears or dogs that go swimming often may need their ears cleaned more frequently. 
  • Be careful about cleaning too often, as over-cleaning your dog’s ears may wipe away essential bacteria or oils that your dog needs to keep his ears healthy.


Cleaning your dog’s ears should be a part of your monthly routine, no matter what kind of dog you have! Whether it’s a German shepherd with those long upright ears or a Basset hound with floppy, drag-on-the-ground ears, each dog’s “ear biology” can be different. Take some time to determine the best routine for your pup to keep him happy and healthy.

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